Online Safety & Security

Online Safety & Security

The health and safety of your student is our top priority. Regardless of age or grade please discuss with your student the importance of being safe when learning online.  The Tucson Unified School District believes that technology expands student knowledge of the world and develops 21st century skills that create greater possibilities for their futures and passions. TUSD intends to be a one-to-one district that creates digital citizens prepared for their post-secondary lives while following the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) Standards for Students.  

Go Guardian

GoGuardian is a classroom management tool for all TUSD devices. It allows teachers to see what is on the screen of every student in their classroom. They can see the active tab the student is currently looking at, as well as any other open tabs in the browser. These tabs can be sites, documents, games, etc., that may be open but not being used. TUVA staff will also have the ability to limit the applications and tabs that are in use at any time.

All TUVA students are required to use an assigned TUSD device to access their courses online. TUSD staff cannot assist with issues on non-TUSD devices. ​   

For more information about Go Guardian, please visit their website.

Or, stop by our TUVA Help Desk to chat with our Technical Support Team.

Mandatory Reporting

The Arizona mandatory reporting law A.R.S 13-3620 and the TUSD Governing Board Policy require that school personnel or any person who has responsibility for the care or treatment of a minor, who reasonably believes that a minor has been the victim of physical injury, abuse, child abuse, a reportable offense, or neglect shall immediately report or cause a report to made of this information.