5th and 6th Grade

The 5-6 classroom at TRCS strives to have a highly efficient and fun learning environment for all students. We follow the REACH values which is the core of our school to help us be highly efficient. At the beginning of the year, a Class Constitution is created by students which outlines the most important class laws on how to act in the classroom and treat each other. The Class Constitution is repeated twice a day for optimum learning. 

SEL is a large part of our classroom. In the morning, the students participate in a quick SEL activity which helps them start their day, and a quick ending SEL activity which helps them end the day. On Wednesdays we have circles with Ms. Bart for a more in depth SEL discussion. 

As part of the Constitution and SEL learning, the ⅚ students have the chance to earn class rewards. The rewards are generated and voted on by the students so they are completely student centered. 

In order to help promote learning and responsibility, the students have monthly homework calendars with a specific homework assignment for that day. The students are given autonomy on when they complete this assignment, but the whole calendar worth of assignments is due at the end of the month. This does not take the place of daily homework assignments assigned in class.

There is an elderly guinea pig as a class pet named Rio, and he is usually found in the classroom Mondays through Fridays, and goes home on the weekend. He is very friendly and is always on the lookout for a treat!