
Terrebonne Parish School District is committed to providing an effective science curriculum aligned to Louisiana State Standards for Science (LSSS).  Every LSSS contains one of eight science and engineering practices.  Therefore, at every tested grade level, the district has chosen a curriculum that has students DOING science.  Tier 1 materials, as determined by the Louisiana Department of Education, are used to meet the requirements of CIR/UIR schools. 

TPSD Science Curriculums


FOSS is not a Tier 1 science curriculum in Louisiana, but it was chosen because of it's proven results over the last 50 years.  FOSS has students DOING science activities.  


Amplify Science is a Tier 1 curriculum in Louisiana.  All CIR/UIR schools are required to use Tier 1 curriculums.  Amplify Science is used in grades 3-8 to address those requirements in CIR/UIR schools in TPSD.


The inquiryHub (iHub) Biology curriculum is a year-long Biology course anchored in phenomena and aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards. 

TPSD has modified iHub to meet OUR students' needs.  A committee of biology teachers have created lessons embedded to the iHub curriculum to create a unique curriculum tailored for our students' learning.

Louisiana Student Standards for Science

LSSS are based on the K-12 Framework for Science Education.  While Louisiana's science standards have much in common with Next Generation Science Standards (also developed from the Framework), LSSS are uniquely written for students in Louisiana.  Both sets of standards are 3-dimensional to include science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts.

Adopted in 2017

The Louisiana Student Standards for Science were created by over eighty content experts and educators with input from parents and teachers from across Louisiana.  Educators envisioned what students should know and be able to do to compete in our communities and created standards that would allow students to do so. The Louisiana Student Standards for Science provide appropriate content for all grades or courses, maintain high expectations and create a logical connection of content across and within grades. 


are the “how” of science—the behaviors and processes that scientists engage in to make sense of phenomena and design solutions to problems.


the fundamental ideas that are necessary for understanding a given science discipline.


have application across all domains of science. As such, they are a way of linking the different domains of science. They include patterns; cause and effect; scale, proportion, and quantity; systems and system models; energy and matter; structure and function; and stability and change.

Safety in the Science Classroom

Flinn Safety

TPSD strongly supports students DOING science.  Therefore, safety is an essential requirement of all students and teachers.  ALL Terrebonne Parish science teachers (grades 6-12) must complete the Flinn Scientific safety training!


To view an overview of the FREE training, please click here.

This video will fulfill your TPSD training requirement and, in conjunction with Flinn's chemical labels and Safety Data Sheets, make school laboratories safer for teachers and students.

NSTA Safety

The National Science Teachers Association also regularly provides safety information and resources for conducting hands-on activities in the science classroom. 

These resources can be found here:

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