Lesson 5 & 6

Definition of Rotation and Basic Properties and Rotations of 180 degrees

Learner Outcome: I can rotate a figure a given degree around a given center of rotation.

What is a rotation?

Watch the video below to see how rotations are performed. Make sure to answer the questions along the way.

Today, you are going to learn how to perform rotations around a given center.

Important note: As we discussed at the beginning of class, rotation of a positive degree measure means the shape will travel counterclockwise. A rotation of a negative degree measure means the shape will travel clockwise.

Watch the following video showing you how to effectively use the simulation to rotate shapes around the origin. Make sure to follow along and pause the video when necessary.

Directions: As you're working through the simulation, make sure to do rotations with both positive and negative angle measures. Make sure to also perform rotations with measures of 180 degrees.

When you're ready click here to access the simulation!

Test your knowledge! Do you know your rotations? Click the button below to practice performing rotations on khan academy!