Lesson 3

Translating Lines & Shapes

Learner Outcome: I can determine whether a line and it's translated image are parallel or coincide. I can translate angles and shapes by using the same procedure for translating lines.

Today we will continue to translate lines and shapes as we did in Lesson 2. However, our points, lines or shapes may move in different directions. Translations can occur without a vector. We can also perform translations on a coordinate plane.

Watch the video below to get an idea of how we translate shapes on a coordinate plane. Make sure to answer the questions along the way.

Today make sure to notice the relationships between the sides of the shapes you translate. Keep these questions in mind and refer back to them when necessary.

If the sides were parallel before the translation, are they still parallel after?

Can a translation occur where the original image and the new image coincide or overlap?

Time for some practice!

Watch the short clip below to see how to use today's simulation. Now is the time to test your knowledge and experiment with different translations. Make sure to ask Ms. Tinney for help when needed!

When you're ready click here to access the simulation!

Test your knowledge! Do you know your translations? Click the button below to practice performing translations on khan academy!