InterLibrary Loan Procedure

InterLibrary Loan of media center materials is encouraged.

Every effort should be made to loan materials, if at all possible.

There is a way to request ILL materials using Destiny, but it is rather complex and most library media specialists request via email directly to other library media specialists.  Below is the basic procedure for managing Interlibrary Loan. (ILL bands are available from the Media Services office.)

The Borrowing Library:

1. Looks in TPS Destiny catalog for district-wide resources.

2. Sends (emails, telephones, uses inter-school mail or Destiny) request to lending library. Request includes, name of patron requesting.

3. Receives “will supply” or “not available” response.

4. Receives the material.

5. Documents receipt and distribution to patron in local system or list used for tracking.

6. Writes due date on ILL strip: Books circulate for 10 days, videos for 3 days.

7. Generates and sends overdue notices for teachers once a week or so, based on approximate number of active transactions.

(If you don't use Destiny to build a local "Temp" checkout, you will not be able to do step 7 through Destiny.)

8. At end of circulation - Receives item from borrower and checks it in.

9. Returns book to lending library.

The Lending Library:

1. Receives request and determines availability of material. (Loan material, if it is available.)

2. Sends a “will supply” or “not available” message back to borrowing library.

3. Checks out material using patron name or ILL school patron (these are set up, one for each school in Destiny):

Regular circulation – 3 weeks (15 days), Video Circulation – 2 weeks (10 days).

4. Puts colored ILL band on back cover of book (so covers lending library barcode) or on other material, covering circulation barcode.

5. Sends item to borrowing library.

6. Generates and sends overdue notices for ILL patrons once a week or so, based on approximate number of active transactions.

7. At end of circulation period - Receives item back, removes ILL band, and checks it in or Renews check-out based on request.