1. 現學年度的學費訊息 Current school year tuition information
A : 註冊須知
2. 請問如何註冊?How can I register for classes?
A: 請上學校註冊網站登記註冊
Please register online: Registration Page
3. 為什麼我無法登錄註冊網站?Why can’t I log into the registration site?
A: username或是password 錯誤,請注意字母有大小寫區別,如忘記用戶名或密碼,請至以下鏈接要求重設:
You might have typed the wrong username or password; please note the letters are case-sensitive. If you forget your username or password, please click on the links below to retrieve your username or reset your password:
若還是不能login,請 email IT department :engineering@to-cs.org
If you still cannot login, please email IT department: engineering@to-cs.org
4. 怎麼樣修改個人資料? How to change/edit my personal details?
A: 請在 https://register.to-cs.org/signin 登入你的帳號,登入後你會看到一個按鈕: [Edit Person Details],按下後就可以更改你的資料。
Please login your account https://register.to-cs.org/signin. At your account, your will see a button: [Edit Person Details], click into and you can edit.
5. 我不知道該選中文簡體、繁體,還是實用中文?I don’t know whether to choose simplified, traditional, or Everyday Chinese?
班系 : Class
語文班 : 正規班/生活實用班
上課時間 : Class Time
語文班-Language class (9:15-11:25)
文化班 -Cultural Class (11:35-12:25)
正規班: 適合有中文背景的家庭選讀 ,以聽說讀寫循序漸進加強到中文AP課程 ,開設年級從學前班到9年級. 授課老師以全中文為主
**學前班,幼稚園班和部分6-9年級班沒有繁簡體之分。學校會依當年註冊學生人數作調整 , 不接受同年級轉班申請。
生活實用班 EC track introduction : 適合中文零基礎的家庭,以聽說和日常生對話為主, 開設年級從 EC/Parent+child & EC1- EC5. 程度好的學生可通過檢定考試轉至正規班. 授課老師以中文和英文並用。
字體與音系 : 本校採用拼音,並有繁體字及簡體字兩種字體可選。家長/學生可以選擇自己喜歡的字體。
Regular Simplified/Traditional Chinese Classes: Suitable for families with Chinese background as the classes focus on listening, speaking, reading and writing. Then integrate into Chinese AP courses. Starts from PreK through 9th grade. Teachers will mainly speak Chinese throughout the course. PreK, K, and some 6th through 9th graders will have no option to choose simplified characters or combined character classes. Class assignments will be chosen randomly and based on the number of students for each grade. No requests will be accepted for transfer of the class in the same grade.
EC -Everyday Chinese Classes EC track introduction : Suitable for families with no Chinese background as the classes focus on listening and speaking. Speaking is focused on basic daily conversation. There are EC/parent+child & EC1-EC5 within the certification program. Excelled students may take placement tests to transfer into regular simplified/traditional Chinese classes. Teachers will mix Chinese and English throughout the course.
文化班課程與選修年齡 : 課程簡介: cultural class introduction / 5歲以上(含5歲)學生才能選修
6. 孩子是怎樣被分班的?How are children placed in classes?
A: 本校採用電腦分班且盡量男女比例一致。
The school uses computer for random placement and ensure gender balance.
7. 我的孩子能力很強,可以跳級嗎?如何跳級?My child is very capable and can he/she jump grade? How to jump?
A: 本校接受1年級&1年級以上學生跳級。每學年上學期的前三週為跳級考試,通過考試後會交由電腦選擇班級。
The school accepts grade 1 or above students' petition for jumping grade in the first three weeks of each school year. The student will be given an entrance test for the grade he/she petitions for. After passing the test, the proper class will be assigned by the computer.
8. 我的孩子跟不上,可以降級嗎?如何降級?My child cannot keep up, can he/she move to a lower grade? How to move to a lower grade?
A: 可以降級或是原班續讀,請到學校辦公室填寫轉班資料。
Your child can move to a lower grade or repeat the same grade. Please go to school office and fill out the class transfer form.
9. 我可以選班級嗎?Can I choose a class I prefer?
A: 不能選班級! 特殊情況請email to tocs-principal@to-cs.org and Cc academic@to-cs.org,學校將依個案開會討論。
Generally, choosing a preferred class is not permissible. For special circumstances, please ,email to tocs-principal@to-cs.org and Cc academic@to-cs.org the school will discuss according to the case.
10. 可以換第三節課嗎?怎麼換?Can I switch my child’s 3rd period class? How to switch?
A: 學校9月30日前接受第三節選修課換課,請寄電子郵件給註冊組 registration@to-cs.org ,標題「Request: Elective Class Change」,請註明學生中、英文姓名,換到哪一個班,請注意如果不符合選修課的年齡條件學校不予受理。每個學生最多只能換 2 次課。學校開學後開始處理換課申請。如果班級還有名額,以電子郵件先來先得的原則處理。
School accepts 3rd period elective class change requests before 9/30. Please send an email to the registration group: registration@to-cs.org with the title “Request: Elective Class Change”. Please include the student’s Chinese, English name and which class to switch. If the student does not meet the age requirement of the elective class, the request cannot be processed. Each student can only switch classes twice. The requests will be processed the first week after school starts on a first come first serve basis (of the emails) and subject to class space availability.
11. 怎樣退學?How to withdraw?
A: 如需退學,請登錄註冊網站,您會看到【Withdraw For ####-#### School Year】按鍵,點擊鏈接,按要求提交退學申請,,系統會依規定計算需退的費用,學校將以此辦理退費手續。
If you need to withdraw your child from the class, please log into your registration account, you shall see 【Withdraw For ####-#### School Year】button, click it and follow the instruction to submit withdraw request, the system will calculate the refund according to the registration and refund policy. The school will follow up and process the refund request.
12. PVA會費是做什麼用的? What is the PVA membership fee for?
A: 家長會通過中文學校向每個家庭收取$15, 從新學年2024-2025起,PVA會費會更名為家長會活動費。新學年的註冊網頁上也會有相應更改。活動費會繼續用在支持中文學校學生直接或間接相關的活動上,包括但不限於:
活動費將與註冊期間和學費同時收取。如果您對PVA學生活動費還有其他疑問,請隨時與我們聯繫 PVA@to-cs.org。
Starting from the incoming school year of 2024-2025, the PVA membership fee will be renamed as PVA activities fee, as reflected on the registration page. The amount will stay the same at $15 per family as the current year. It will continue being used towards supporting the student and non-student related activities, including but not limited to:
Good job rewarding voucher program
Chinese New Year lucky money
Volunteer (PVA and room parents) appreciation
Parents and volunteers water and coffee station
The activity fee will be collected at the same time as the tuition during registration. If there is any further question and concern regarding the PVA student activity fee, please feel free to contact us at PVA@to-cs.org.
13. CCCA 會費是什麼?提供什麼服務?What is the CCCA membership fee? What services are offered?
A: 繳納康谷華協(CCCA)的會員費(每個家庭)方有資格在千橡中文學校(TOCS)註冊語言文化課程。 CCCA會員享有但不限於以下特權:
The membership fee (per family) at Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) is required for the eligibility to register for language classes at Thousand Oaks Chinese School (TOCS). Benefits of CCCA Membership include, but not limited to, the following privileges:
Eligibility for registering for TOCS language and culture classes.
Eligible to vote for CCCA board members.
Discounted rates for attending all CCCA activities such as Cultural Day, Movie Night, Camping, and community classes on various topics.
Please see more details of benefits and activities on CCCA website: http://www.ccca-tocs.org
14. 中文學校與CVUSD 學區的租賃費用
A: 因為有家長詢問到中文學校與學區的租賃費用問題, 學校在此簡單說明一下歷年來我們與學區的租金一覽表. 學校行政人員一直與學區保持良好關係並盡全力與學區溝通, 希望在這樣樣漲的聲浪中還能維持租金一定. 希望家長們能和學校一起努力維持良好的租賃關係.
Below information is provided by CVUSD District Operational Center
Please find below the information you requested.
Amounts if charged by the current fee schedule:
Utilities: $86,831 (35 Classrooms, MPR, and PAC)
Custodian: $19,278
Facilities: $2,680 (Tennis Courts, Stadium, and PAC – when applicable)
Total: $108,789
Total Payments:
2014-15 $58,253.46
2015-16 $59,626.07
2016-17 $59,268.79
2017-18 $70,893.50
2018-19 $70,000.00
2019-20 $70,000.00
2020-21 NA/virtual learning
2021-22 $62,000.00
2022-23 $60,953.55
2023-24 $61,220.90