Class Offered
班系 (語文班 &文化班 )
第一二節課語文班 (9:15am-11:25am)
Language class
本校採用拼音,並有繁體字及簡體字兩種字體可選。家長/學生可以選擇自己喜歡的字體。學前班和幼稚園班和AP沒有繁簡體之分。實用中文班教學目前開到等級5, 且是中文和英文並用。The school uses Pinyin (phonetic symbols) for traditional and simplified Chinese characters. Parents/students can choose either the traditional or simplified characters. PreK & K & AP has no traditional or simplified character options.
Everyday Chinese class-Bilingual : The instructor uses both Chinese and English for the instructions and only offer up to level 5 .第三節課文化班 (11:35am-12:25pm)
Cultural Class
● Elective class is only available for age 6 or above. Seats are limited. Availability for selection is on a first-come, first served basis.
● 3rd period class FAQ 第三節文化課FAQ ● 3rd period introduction 第三節文化課程介紹
Language class type (available types may vary by grade):
Note: no separation for Simplified/Traditional Chinese-for PreK, K and 9th grade
● S– Simplified Chinese (簡體中文) – Grades 1-8
● T– Traditional Chinese (繁體中文) – Grades 1-8
● EC EC track introduction – Everyday Chinese (實用中文/簡繁體兼顧) with both Mandarin and English Instructions –it has EC/parent+child & EC1 to EC5 levels , after finishing 5 levels you will get an achievement certificate and can take a placement test for enrolling in a regular 1st grade class.
教材使用 Material
❖ Prek , K : 繪本,拼音,學華語向前走 (不分簡繁)
❖ 1-8th : 美洲華語 (分簡繁 )
❖ 9th : AP 教材 (不分簡繁)
❖ Bilingual : EC 1 實用中文 / 學華語向前走