
Agrupamento de Escolas de Cister

The AECISTER head office is located in Alcobaça, a city in the center of Portugal. It is one of the largest schools in the region offering courses ranging from 3 years to 18 years and adults (kindergardem, primary, lower secondary, CEF, secondary, professionals and adult education).

AECISTER has about 3600 students and has 367 teachers and 143 non-teaching staff. It is a school that participates in several national and international projects. AECISTER has in its objectives of the educational project to participate in European projects, in a collaborative and motivated way to enrich the good practices and experiences of students and teachers. All school community of AECISTER is motivated and committed to participate in projects of different themes according to their areas of activity. The school is committed to a system of education that enhances digital skills, teaching-learning methods and promotes creativity and collaboration / sharing in good practice.

AECister is an eTwinning School, with the involvement of 28 teachers in projects on this platform. In the past, we have developed actions under the Comenius project (2012-2014). We are partners in the Erasmus + Project "Euromobicadres" (coordinator - France). We were awarded with the Silver Seal on the Esafety Label. Host school for students under the "InterCulture" exchange program. Study visits are regularly held with our students to countries of Europe as a promoter of the development of the Foreign Languages taught here (English, French and Spanish). We carried out several awareness activities about the use of technologies among students, teachers and parents. We alert to the good use of new technologies and social networks. We promote actions on the Internet Safe in order to convey the message that we can use the technologies correctly and warn of the misuse of the technologies. In these actions we count with the collaboration of the security authorities and specialists in this area.