Project Description

This project is a socially responsible project. It takes immigrants and refugees in its core and approaches this sensitive topic in many ways by many groups of people. This project states that everyone deserves to live a life according to the DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS.

Human Rights Watch, has witnessed and documented for more than ten years, severe violations of human rights, especially with it comes to immigrant children in their detention. Young children can be detained against their will, in places with adults they do not know. They may experience brutal treatment by them, the police or other authorities. Those kids are being held in conditions that are

way below the minimum international standards for a decent human life. Their liberty is being deprived by others.

The activities of our project, will be implemented in five schools from Estonia, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal and Turkey.












The objectives of our project are listed below:

- Increase our student’s social skills, such as being responsible and more conscious, their social

awareness. We want them to become more tolerant and accept what is new and different to them, as well as be sympathetic for the refugees and immigrants

- resist to every stereotype

-increase the civic involvement and volunteering of our students

-help refugees and immigrants to build a more peaceful world


Each partner will be assigned specific and common tasks. The coordinator from IT , will be in charge of the supervision of each partner, checking specific parameters after the completion of each stage.

Each stage divides into sub-stages where there is certain planning and practicing, as well as evaluation and dissemination. After the evaluation of a certain stage takes place, and according to the results, the new stage will commence. The trend will be from local to international.

Every activity of this project will be implemented by our students in order to increase and enhance awareness in manners of forced immigrants and refugees and especially children that undergo this situation, particularly in the following questions:

-What are the causes and consequences of forced migration?

-What is the impact of detention in immigrant children?

-Is there sufficient sensitivity towards refugees and immigrants?

-How lonely do immigrant families really are?


Our project will achieve the results below:

-make our students more social responsible, increase their social awareness and consciousness,

become more social sensitive, tolerant and empathetic with refugees and immigrants.

- (50 presentations, five short movies and documentaries, fifty interviews, ten seminars for

immigrants and refugees)

-bring down stereotypes

-increase our student’s entrepreneurship skills and volunteering

-help refugees and immigrants to build a peaceful World