

The meeting in STITUTO D'ISTRUZIONE SUPERIORE "R.PIRIA took place from the 15th of May to the 21st of May

PARTICIPANTS: Italy, Turkey, Estonia, Portugal, Lithuania

The meeting will have the topic “Immigrant recognision”

During this stage, pupils will look up the issue of global forced immigration, what causes that and what are the effects. They will search for the results, the situation in the European Union, what are the social effects and unfortunate stories of forced immigration. They will perform a search on news articles, news portals, news papers , tv programs , ngo webtistes etc. They will be organized in groups and they will share their tasks. The students will prepare presentations with the help of ICT tools. They will be presented in a series of seminars that will be implemented within the school area as well as to a conference for the local community. The student group will be assisted and supervised by the group of the teachers in the project team. Every product will be translated into English and the top rated ones, will be included in the short term exchange material. While the meeting in Italy is taking place, every student will participate in the activities that will be designed by the Italian school. Everyone will work in teams and present their results. The results/outcomes will be prepared before the mobility. This certain meeting will be the first workshop of the entire project. All the students will join an international working team and they will create a magazine, that will be the product of their presentation. During that preparation, teachers who participate , will be in charge for the supervision and observation of the students as well as for the evaluation of the meeting. The magazine will be circulated to the local communities as a means of dissemination of our project. In the first days of the meeting, we will organize an international evening where each team of students will present their local cuisine and traditional dances. In this meeting, our students will select the logo of our project, make travel manuals, create a photo album and a calendar. All students will invest their time together, in joint classes of the school, while using the English language as a means of communication. The host teachers will organize games for the students. All these have the purpose for the guest students to get to know the life of the host students better. During the implementation of the activities, teachers who coordinate the project will run a meeting in order to discuss managerial issues. They will write down good practices and narrow down what did not went as expected.