
Rights and Responsibilities

The rules around internal assessment are designed to ensure that:

      • assessments are consistent with the national standard

      • assessment is valid and authentic

      • assessment is fair and equitable for all students

As a student you have the responsibility to ensure that:

      • work submitted for assessment is your own authentic work

      • you do not compromise or interfere with other students rights to fair and equitable assessment

      • you are prepared for assessments and make your best efforts to provide the evidence needed to achieve

As a student you have the right to:

      • fair and equitable assessment opportunities

      • privacy in respect to the return of your results

      • not having your work viewed by others, except as part of the assessment and moderation requirements, without your written permission.

      • natural justice and a right of reply in respect of any alleged breech of rules

Rules for Internal Assessment


All work submitted for assessment must be your own.

It is your responsibility to:

  • Keep all drafts and working documents, and hand them into your teacher if required.

  • Keep a record of all resources that are used including hand written plans and websites.

  • Acknowledge the source of all material in your assignment.

  • Ensure your data is accurate.

  • Be prepared to discuss your work further with your teacher, if required.

  • Sign an authenticity statement if it is required.

You must not:

  • Copy another student’s work.

  • Quote material from written or electronic sources without acknowledging the source (plagiarism).

  • Allow someone else to copy your work.

  • Allow someone else to do your work.

  • Use forbidden technology in a test or exam (e.g. non-designated printer, non-standard calculator, cell phone etc.)

Further Assessment Opportunities

  • You may be offered a second assessment opportunity where it is practical and manageable to do so.

  • Where a second opportunity is available you may use it to improve your grade. The final grade awarded will be the higher of the two grades.

  • If you were absent for the initial assessment, for a valid reason then you can attempt the second opportunity (but that will be your only opportunity). If your absence was unjustified then this further opportunity would be available only in exceptional circumstances.

  • A further assessment is a complete new assessment. It can only occur after additional learning has taken place.

  • There are unlikely to be reassessment opportunities for extended assessments (i.e. assessments that take place over a time span of more than a few periods.)


Under some limited circumstances you may have the opportunity to make a re-submission of your assessment.

Resubmission: Your teacher may allow a resubmission if

    • you did not achieve the standard

    • your teacher judges that you have made a minor error that you should be able to find and correct yourself

In any resubmission you will be given only very general guidance. For example: “There is an error in your calculations”, or “This section needs more detail”.

Any resubmission must occur promptly and before the class gets any feedback on the assessment. Only one resubmission is allowed.

The higest grade that can be awarded to a resubmission is Achieved.

Missed Assessments

Some assessments are 'tests' that take place at a set date and time. If you are absent for such an assessment there are several possible consequences depending on the circumstances.

You are absent for a justified reason:

A justified absence is due to illness, accident, family or personal trauma or other event beyond your control.

  • you may be able to be assessed on your return to school. However, this can only happen for assessments where it is fair, valid and possible to assess you at a different time.

  • if there is a further assessment opportunity available you will be able to attempt this.

  • if you can not fairly and authentically be assessed you would normally be withdrawn from the standard.

You are unjustifiably absent:

  • in most situations you would get a grade of Not Achieved.

  • in most situation you would not be eligible for any further assessment opportunity where it existed.

Late Assessments

Some assessment are carried out over a period of time and may involve research or extended practical work or the writing of reports or essays. If your teacher sets a deadline it is your responsibility to hand in your work on or before the deadline.

Work not submitted by the Deadline:

If you do not hand in your assessment on or before the due date you can expect to receive a Not Achieved grade unless your teacher has agreed to an extension of time.


You may be able to negotiate an extension of time with your teacher under some circumstances.

  • you must have a valid reason for not being able to meet the deadline: valid reasons could include illness, accident, bereavement or any other circumstance beyond your control which has a serious impact on your ability to meet the deadline.

  • if you are prevented from submitting the assessment on the due deadline because of circumstances beyond your control which occurs on or immediately before the due date, then you must arrange with your teacher for an extension as soon as possible (which, except in exceptional circumstances, would be within 2 days). Supporting evidence may be required.

  • in all other cases you would be expected to apply for the extension before the due date.

  • if you are going to be absent on the due date for a scheduled appointment or other planned activity you must either submit the assessment early or arrange an extension before the deadline.

  • you may be required to show evidence of the progress you have made to date when you ask for an extension. If you have not met any set milestones or have not effectively used any given class time you can not expect to have extra time.

  • if your request for an extension is turned down by your teacher you may appeal the decision.