On 21 October we we welcomed Rev'd Carl and other church members into school to celebrate our Vision and Values. The day started with the Bacton storytellers performing the story of "The Fiery Furnace". The children especially enjoyed seeing Rev'd Carl playing the part of a guard tasked with the job of "throwing" 3 of the characters into the furnace only to be overcome by the heat and collapse on the floor! Thankfully he recovered very quickly.

Children across school then discussed the local community and amenities in their class groups and produced a range of art work linking to this. Eagle and Owl class designed and decorated individual canvases which will form part of a display in the hall. Woodpecker and Robin class designed and decorated their own wooden crosses and went on to plant bulbs to help illustrate the concept that by nurturing, things can grow. The planted bulbs will be coming home with children today and we will look forward to hearing how they fare!

Children from all classes helped to decorate 6 large banners, one for each of our Christian values which will then be displayed in school and rotated on a half termly basis depending on our focus value.