Builds for mobile

Be sure you enabled the Mobile Location Services plugins (see Installation).

To use a built version of the plugin you have to change your [Platform].ini to allow more objects.

Just add a few decimals to your gc.MaxObjectsInGame. If there is no gc.MaxObjectsInGame in your [Platform].ini you can just add it manually.

For example, for android, the file is located at Project/Config/Android/AndroidEngine.ini

Hint: The .ini file will be automatically created by unreal if you build for Android

For iOS, you will need to make a folder under Project/Config/ called "IOS" and create a file called "IOSEngine.ini" with the content below.



Because of the amount of objects we recommend putting the area load buffer to 0, for a mobile test build (see Setup for a new Project in the description of setup).

No other settings have to be adjusted to make a test build for Android.

Additionally, we provided a nice test functionality in the BP_Coala Event Graph.

To move around the map with a click and don't use the GPS updates of the device,

you just have to connect the pin for your OS to the "Editor Coala Area Controller Set" (like it is shown in the picture).

If it is the purpose to test it with real GPS data, just use the GPS block.

Important if building for iOS

Make sure you have enabled "Allow web connections to non-HTTPS websites" if building for iOS.


Solution #1

If there is just the COALA loading screen visible and nothing else happen, make sure you have added the needed extra permissions for GPS

    • android.permission.ACCESS_GPS

    • android.permission.ACCESS_LOCATION

    • android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION

    • android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION

Solution #2

If you get "Location service disabled" even you have enabled the GPS service on your device, make sure all three "Mobile Location Services" Blueprint plugins activated.

(See image below how it must look like)