Weather and Day/Night Cycle Configuration

The plugin comes with a blueprint that handles weather effects and day and night cycles based on real world data.


To make use of this feature you will need the BP_Coala_Weather_System blueprint in your map, as well as the BP_Sky_Sphere_Coala and a Sun directional light.

All these components are already set up properly in the paper map.


Sky Sphere Assign the BP_Sky_Sphere_Coala from your map here.

Sun Directional Light Assign the directional light from your map here.


Hours The hours of the time of day when Devmode is activated.

Minutes The minutes of the time of day when Devmode is activated.

Use Devmode If this is ticked, the time of day defined with the hours and minutes above will be used instead of the real world time of day.

Dev Moon Phase Which moon phase should be used instead of the real world moonphase when Devmode is activated.


Call Day Night Cycle Clicking this button will activate the day night animation once, so you can see the whole cycle running withing a short time span.

Start Clear Sky Manually stop all weather effects (this overwrites the real world weather).

Start Mist Manually call the mist effect (this overwrites the real world weather).

Start Rain Manually call the rain effect (this overwrites the real world weather).

Start Snow Manually call the snow effect (this overwrites the real world weather).

Update Manually Updates the weather system manually. This should be used after the curves are adjusted and in the ejected play mode.


Use Sun Mesh Tick this if you want to have a visible sun mesh in the sky sphere (it will move across the sky sphere throughout the day).

Coala Sun Scale How big the sun mesh should be.

Coala Sun Brightness How bright the sun should be.

Coala Sun Distance The distance of the sun to the player.

Coala Sun Intensity This curve controls the sun directional light intensity throughout the day (and night).

Coala Sun Color This gradient controls the sun directional light color throughout the day (and night).


Star Brightness Defines the intensity of the stars shown at night.


Use Moon Mesh Tick this if you want to have a visible moon mesh in the sky sphere at night (it will move across the sky sphere throughout the night).

Moon Hours From The hour of the time of day that the moon should rise.

Moon Minutes From The minutes of the time of day that the moon should rise.

Moon Hours To The hour of the time of day that the moon should set.

Moon Minutes To The minutes of the time of day that the moon should set.

Coala Moon Scale The scale of the moon mesh.

Coala Moon Distance The distance of the moon mesh to the player.

Coala Moon Start Position The starting position of the moon animation.

Sky Sphere

Horizon Falloff From Controls the falloff of the horizon gradient on the sky sphere.

Horizon Falloff To Controls the falloff of the horizon gradient on the sky sphere.

Coala Horizon Color This gradient controls the color of the horizon throughout the day (and night).

Coala Zenith Color This gradient controls the color of the zenith throughout the day (and night).

Weather Setting

Rain Setting The settings for the rain effect.

Snow Setting The settings for the snow effect.

Mist Setting The settings for the mist effect.

Particle System The particle system that should be spawned when that weather is active (based on real world data).

Scale With Coala Scaling Tick this if you want to adjust the particle systems scale with the COALA scale.

Override Particle Color Tick this if you want to override the particle color using the Particle Color parameter below.

Particle Color This changes the particle color if Override Particle Color is true.

Parameter Color Name The parameters name to recolor the particle effect ( if Override Particle Color is true.


Coala Cloud Color This gradient controls the color of the clouds in the sky sphere.

Coala Cloud Speed How fast the clouds should move across the sky sphere.

Coala Cloud Opacity The visibility of the clouds.

Distance Fog

Use Fog Tick this if you want to use distance fog on the map.

Fog Color This gradient controls the color of the fog throughout the day.

Fog Height Up until which point you want to show the fog (it fades away above that value).

Fog Horizon Falloff How strong it should fade away vertically.

Fog Start Distance Where the distance fog should start, measured from the player position.

Fog Density Distance How quickly the fog should become more dense in the distance.