Student Librarians

We have a group of students who are librarians as part of the Student Leadership Scheme.

Students start on Bronze level and progress up through Silver, Gold and Platinum. Most students complete each level in an academic year but sometimes they need a little longer.

A few students only complete their Bronze level while many others go on to complete the full set.

Some of the tasks student librarians learn to undertake include:

  • lending and returning books

  • shelving the returned books

  • barcoding and importing new book titles

  • putting plastic jackets on books

  • refilling the photocopier

  • solving straightforward print and copier problems

  • assisting with managing students leaving the LRC at the end of break and lunch

  • tidying away games

  • putting chairs straight after break times

If you think you would like to apply for the post of Junior librarian print off the application form below, then fill it it before handing in to Mrs Fella in the Library.



Please read the form first and then complete it as carefully as you can.

Please return it to Mrs Fella.

Name : Form :

Experience: Please explain why you would like to become part of the LRC team.

What special contribution can you make to the team?

How often do you use the LRC?

Interests and Hobbies: What are your interests and hobbies within and outside of school?

Give the names of any clubs you attend regularly out of school.

What are your reading interests?


I have read the job description and understand what I will have to do. I am prepared to help in the LRC on a regular basis. If selected, I will be reliable, responsible and on time.

Your signature :

Parent/Guardian signature :

Tutor signature :