How to use the LRC

The Library is organised in two ways;

Fiction is organised in sections by type of story e.g. horror, life and love, animal stories, adventure, fantasy, quick reads, senior fiction, comics, manga, and young adult. Each section is then organised in alphabetical order by the authors last name.

Non-fiction is organised by the Dewey System.

Borrowing and returning books:

  • You can borrow two books for up to three weeks

  • If you chose a book and then decide it isn't want you like reading, please put it back on the shelf you got it from in alphabetical order by the authors last name.

  • When you have chosen your book, bring it to the centre desk. We will ask you for your last name so we can find you on the Library system and issue the book(s) to you.

  • If you decide the book is not right for you, you can bring it back before the due return date.

  • When you have finished reading the book bring it back and hand it in at the desk. We will log the return by scanning the bar code. Until it has been logged by the library staff, the book remains your responsibility.

  • If you have not yet finished reading the book by the return date for the book, come to the library and tell either the LRC Manager (Mrs Fella) or talk to one of the student librarians who will be able to re-issue the book for you, allowing you another three weeks to continue reading.

  • Look after our books please, we need to be able to lend them out to other students after you. If you have an accident like a leaky drink which affects the book come and tell us.

  • If you want to borrow a particular book but can't find it, ask at the desk. Mrs Fella or the student librarians will be able to check the system to find out where the book is shelved.

  • If the book you wish to borrow is not available, you can logon to through the school intranet. You can then reserve the book. When the book is available we will get in touch to tell you it is waiting at the centre desk in the LRC for you to collect.







