For Families

Students can browse and borrow books with, Sora, TSC's Digital Library


The collection in Sora is an extension of TSC’s physical library that provides 24/7 access to ebooks and audiobooks. Visit, click on the Sora app on your TSC ipad, or download the app for free, and sign-in with your TSC email and password to start borrowing and reading books today! 

Need help getting started? 

Check Sora FAQ, watch the short introduction to Sora video, or follow the step-by-step guide to Getting Started with Sora

K–2 families or families new to TSC:  Need help logging-in or setting your password? 

Email  or

Still have questions? Need help accessing or using Sora? 

Contact your librarian at 

Scroll down to explore resources to support your family through distance learning. Visit the student pages for Primary (K–2), Intermediate (3–5), and Middle Division (6– 8) to find more sources for ebooks, audio books, and research materials.

Common Sense Media Resources for Families 

Resources compiled and created by Common Sense media to help families "navigate social distancing and school closures with quality media and at-home learning opportunities for your kids." Includes a curated collection of online events and activites

A rich bank of resources from The Child Mind Institute, to help you support the mental health and well being of your child during this time. Join live video chats with clinicians (10am and 4.30pm), take advantage of  remote evaluations and phone consultations, find daily tips for parenting during the crisis, and much more. 

Includes movement, yoga, and mindfulness videos. Downloadable curricular activities and recommended off-screen home activities. Primarily for K–4.

Social Justice Books

A wonderful selection of multicultural and social justice books for K-8 for educators and families.
 Be sure to check out their Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children's Books and 

An extensive compilation of resources to support conversations and learning around race and anti-racism work with children.

Educator-created bank of sites, books, podcasts, and other resources for parents on anti-racism.

Space and science activities you can do with NASA at home! Videos, activities, DIY projects, and more. 

Sign on daily at at 2pm EST to witness live video events featuring National Geographic Explorers in the field. Sign up for a chance to snag one of 6 spots in each event that allows students to interact with the explorers Some videos offered in Español

A list by LiveScience of "favorite lessons, games, science experiments, demonstrations and virtual tours." Updated regularly.
Please note: Site contains advertisements.

Downloadable activity packs based on current children's books, that "range from arts and crafts pages to book club questions and games, and they’re all aimed at boosting reading and writing for pleasure."

A collection of read-aloud videos created by Musuem educators at the Metropolitan Museum of Art which useuse picture books to introduce and explore the museum's collection.

Borrow ebooks & audio books from New York Public Library with the SimplyE App

Use your NYPL library card, or easily sign up for a virtual NYPL card, to start borrowing ebooks and audiobooks with the SimplyE app! 
The SimplyE app is already downloaded on TSC ipads  and can be downloaded onto any smartphone or tablet. Watch these videos to learn how to get started today!  And if you need more help accessing this resource, or any other ebook resource, you can always contact your TSC Librarian.

Don't forget to check out what's happening This Week @ the Library