This Week 

@ the Library

Visit the This Week @ the Library page to find latest TSC Library news, book recommendations, & much more!

Leo's Choice Award Finalists, 2022-2023

Results of the Leo's Choice Award and Leo Lee awards will be announced by librarians and the Spanish team on Feb. 24!

Leo's Choice  and Leo Lee Awards

Leo's Choice is TSC's own picture book award and Leo Lee is TSC's award for best Spanish language book. These are long-standing annual traditions enjoyed by the whole community at TSC. Students in K-5 have been reading, analyzing, and discussing the comparative merits of the Leo's Choice finalists. Later this month, students will cast their votes and the book with the most votes, school-wide, will be the winner. Leo Lee strives to find books that are representative of the Spanish speaking world, and each grade K-4 votes on their own set of three finalists tailored to that grade-level's Spanish comprehension and curricular connections.

The Librarians have added some of the finalists—and many past winners and finalists—to TSC's digital library, Sora, so feel free to check them out. Which books do you think will win?

School Stories

Celebrate the start of the 2022-23 school year with some of these favorite books about school. 

Picture books and early readers

Chapter books and graphic novels


Check out the 2022 Summer Reading Suggestions from the TSC Library

Visit the This Week @ the Library page again soon to find the latest TSC Library news, book recommendations, & much more!