This Week 

@ the Library

Visit the This Week @ the Library page to find latest TSC Library news, book recommendations, & much more!

Need more suggestions? Students in grades 3-8 can try the "Find Your Perfect Book" form created by the TSC Junior Librarians.

Read about the latest news in the TSC Library Newsletter, edited and written by the Junior Librarians. 

June issue, coming soon!

Need more suggestions? Students in grades 3-8 can try the "Find Your Perfect Book" form created by the TSC Junior Librarians.

Happy National Poetry Month from the TSC Library!

Throughout April we celebrated poetry in a few different ways at TSC

2nd graders share poems as part of TSC's Poem in Your Pocket Day celebration

By Maxwell, 2A

WHERE I'M FROM   By Jack, 2C

WHERE I'M FROM   By Soliana, 2B

2024 Leo's Choice Award

Leo's Choice  and Leo Lee Awards

Leo's Choice is TSC's own annual picture book award. Leo Lee is TSC's award for best Spanish language picture book. These are long-standing annual traditions enjoyed by the community. 

Students in K-4 have been reading, analyzing, and discussing the comparative merits of the Leo's Choice finalists. Later this month, students will cast their votes and the book with the most votes, school-wide, will be the winner. Leo Lee strives to find books that are representative of the Spanish speaking world, and each grade K-4 votes on their own set of three finalists tailored to that grade-level's Spanish comprehension and curricular connections.

This year students devoted spent time with their Buddies connecting around reading and Leo's Choice and the winner was announced on February 23rd. You can read some of the current and past finalists and winners on TSC's digital library, Sora, so feel free to check them out. 

The 2024 Winner: Evergreen Written and illustrated by Matthew Cordell
Buddies discussing and reading the finalists
Kindergarteners gathered on the roof to celebrate the results!

Author Visit: Jason Chin

In December TSC K–5 students had a wonderful visit with award-winning author and illustrator Jason Chin. He shared his research and writing process with students, as well as important insights he's gained on his journey as an author. He even created some special portraits of TSC students and collaborative drawings.  Thank you, Mr. Chin!

TSC Junior Librarians

This year TSC 5th-8th graders were given the oppurtunity to apply to be a Junior Librarian. Junior Librarians volunteer their time to learn more about how the library is organized and to help in the behind-the-scenes work that goes into making our collection accessible to the whole community. 

So far Junior Librarians have been working on:
  • Learning how library books are organized and prepared for check-out
  • Shelving, shelving, and more shelving!
  • Creating new signs and displays to promote recommended books
  • Assisting with processing books

If you're a TSC 5th-8th grader and this sounds like something you'd like to do, there will be further chances to apply for the program this spring and next year. Want to learn more? Talk to Ms. Neffson or one of Junior Librarians!

Any spot is a good reading spot in the TSC Library  . . . 

What's YOUR favorite place to read?

Celebrate the Freedom to Read with the TSC Library

October 1-7  is Banned Books Weekand this year, October 4 is officially Freedom to Read Day in NYC!  The New York Public Library is offering lots of ways to celebrate and get involved in the anti-censorship movement. 

The ALA (The American Library Association) Office for Intellectual Freedom also has great resources, including a censorship by the numbers feature. Find out more about the history of Banned Books Week here

VIsit the TSC Library to find out more! 

Welcome Back, TSC! 

Did you read something fabulous this summer? Want to share a recommendation with the TSC community? 

Fill out this form and you might see your book recommendation featured in the library or the halls of TSC. Or stop by the library to tell Ms. Neffson in-person about the great books you read this summer. 

As we the 2023-24 school year kicks into gear, TSC students have been enjoying the new books added to our collection, returning to their favorite cozy reading spots, and challenging themselves to get to know the library better by  playing Library Bingo. 

Visit the This Week @ the Library page again soon to find the latest TSC Library news, book recommendations, & much more!