Year 7 homework

Homework timetable 23-24

Science homework

In accordance with the school homework policy, students in Y7 are expected to spend up to 30 minutes each week completing science homework.  Every student in the year group will complete the quizzes allocated in the timetable on the left.  If students use the knowledge organisers and the advice below this will take no more than 30 minutes.  The remainder of the time will be used for tasks allocated by the class teacher.  This might include tasks such as learning knowledge organisers and preparing for end of unit tests.  The aim of this homework is to consolidate  learning in lessons by ensuring that students revisit material previously covered because research indicates this is the best method of ensuring that key ideas are remembered.

How to complete the quizzes:

100 Club

Students who show the determination, independence and resilience to score 100% in 100% of the quizzes by the end of the school year will be members of the '100 Club'.

Students can attempt the quizzes as many times as they wish in their quest for perfection.

Do you have the resilience for the challenge?