Safety & Security Training

Why safety training?

Safety training can raise awareness and inform good decision-making during an emergency, improving safety and security for you and everyone around you.

The Madeleine Safety and Security Committee sponsors three to four safety seminars per year on a variety of topics that benefit parishioners and school parents alike.  Look for updates on this page, in the Church Bulletin, and in Friday Footnotes.

Online training, sponsored by Secure Community Network (SCN), is scheduled several times per year.  Information and links for online training are provided in the "Current Online Training Opportunities" section below.  The Madeleine Safety and Security Committee extends its gratitude to SCN for its generosity and support.

Madeleine Safety Seminar Series

"Cell Phones:  Best Practices for Parents to Utilize with Their Children"

The fourth segment of the Madeleine Safety Series, this seminar will occur Thursday, February 8th from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the Madeleine Parish Hall.  

The training combines factual information of the risks to our children's mental health, and usable tools that you can implement to safely navigate the digital world with your family.

Participants will learn through child-focused activities how self-worth can be influenced by devices and how external factors can affect what children do on online.

Other Best Practice items discussed in this training include setting boundaries and why we need them, modeling healthy behaviors early, apps to be aware of, creating your own family digital media contract, and the 5 questions to ask your child when they go online.

About the facilitator:

Liberty House is the Child Abuse Assessment Center serving Marion and Polk Counties, in Oregon. Our Prevention Department provides trainings and education to the community to keep our children safe.

Information from Past Seminar Series

Online Safety:  Best Practices for Parents and Caregivers

Upcoming Online Training

Click on the links below to register for online training sponsored by the Secure Community Network:

No online training currently scheduled.