Engage safety:  know your role

What can I do?

As a community of individuals, the Madeleine possesses a diverse set of talents, strengths, challenges, and short-comings, all of them attributes of our shared humanity.  As a community, however, we realize our fullest potential when we act in accord with each other towards a common purpose.  Following this principle, simple mindfulness in concert with basic communications is paramount to our collective safety and welfare:  

"If you see something, say something."

The "Safety Players" in our Community

In detailing specific roles within the Madeleine Community, we gain an understanding of how the community functions as a mindful network capable of establishing a safe and secure worship and learning environment.  While the roles detailed are NOT meant to definitively state qualification or expectation, they are intended to help individuals engage and interact mindfully, as active "safety players" within the community.

Madeleine Parishioners, Students, and Parents

This is the group for which all other "safety players" exist to serve.  At the same time, it's essential that Madeleine parishioners, students, and parents serve each other.  The mindfulness and care they show at all times acts as a "force multiplier" in achieving best possible outcomes.  Their ability to "see something, say something" enables productive actions to initiate and follow-through.

All parishioners should consider the online "Basic Awareness" training as it becomes available.  

Ministry Leaders and Ministry Members

Already performing program leadership, ministry leaders obtain and communicate safety policies, principles and practices as necessary to ensure the safety and security of the groups they lead.

Ministry members should recognize the ancillary leadership roles they have adopted within the larger Madeleine Community.  As part of a group that is informed and organized towards a purpose, they possess the unique ability to function as a coordinated unit based solely on their familiarity with one another, if they should choose to do so.  This ability is beneficial in a crisis.

Ministry leaders and members should consider online training as it becomes available.  Suggested training includes Basic Awareness and Countering Active Threat Training (CATT).  Basic first-aid is a bonus if available and affordable.

Safety & Security Committee

Much like the Pastoral Council, the Madeleine Safety and Security Committee advises the Pastor and the School Principal on specific matters of safety, health, and welfare of the members of the Madeleine Community.  We conduct necessary research, propose policies, and coordinate specific safety and security measures for implementation.

Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council advises the Pastor and School Principle on parish policy and actions.  Their ability to vet proposed activities and policy changes on behalf of the parish facilitates informed and effective decision-making.

Pastor & School Principal

The Pastor and School Principal provide day-to-day leadership, setting policies and making operational decisions.