Remember, you are a Tewksbury student at all times, even when learning has moved to either a remote or online platform. Continue to adhere to your school’s Student Handbook and the TPS Acceptable Use Policy and Procedures with regard to academic policies and student conduct.

Please click on the 2 links below to review the Digital Citizenship and Virtual Meeting Guidelines for Remote Learning.

Digital Citizenship & Confidentiality Expectations

Virtual Meeting Student Guidelines


ALL still means ALL

Our intention is to provide activities that ALL students can access. Without educators having full access to the students, there will be supports and services that we cannot deliver fully in a Remote Learning environment.

Students should know that their teachers will be reaching out to support them through their Remote Learning because they know this may be challenging. We can and will get through this together!

Need Translation?

Copy and paste the URL into the GoogleTranslate translation box, select your language, click translate, and you will be redirected to a translated version of this website.

If you need this document translated, please call your child’s school principal.

Si necesita este documento traducido, por favor comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo.

Se você precisa este documento traduzido, entre em contato com a escola do seu filho.

Si vous avez besoin de traduire ce document, s'il vous plaît contacter l'école de votre enfant.


.يرجى الاتصال بمدرسة طفلك/طفلتك ،إذا كنت تحتاج /تحتاجين إلى ترجمة هذه الوثيقة إلى اللغة العربية