If you need help, fill out this quick form

You will need to be signed into a school email account or using a school Chromebook

Student Email

Don't remember what your student Tewksbury email and password are?

  • Contact your child's school and they can help you.

Need help logging in to your student email on your device at home?


  • Clever is our single sign in service that allows our students to log into all of their digital resources using their school email.

  • Once you log in, you will find all of the digital resources relative to your child.

  • Here is where you log in. If you are redirected, click on the long link provided.

Google Classroom

Are you trying to access and use Google Classroom?

Need to edit a PDF and turn it in on a Google Classroom assignment?

Google Suite Apps

Need help navigating and using any of the Google Apps for Education?

These apps include Gmail, Docs, Slides, Sheets, Google Drive, Google Classroom, Calendar, and more! Google created many tutorials, specifically for parents & students, for each app.

Zoom or Meet

IMPORTANT Guidelines and Expectations of Video Conferencing:

Need to join a Google Meet set up by your teacher?

If you are using an iOS or Android mobile device, you must first download the free Google Hangouts Meet app in the Apple App Store or in the Google Play Store (Android).

Need to join a Zoom Meeting set up by your teacher?