Mihi Whakatau
At the start of each term, the school holds a whakatau which is a traditional Māori welcome, which literally means to settle. This ceremony is our way of welcoming new students and staff, along with their families, into the Terrace End School community. You are very welcome to bring extended family plus anyone who is important to your child as they begin their learning journey at Terrace End.
What to expect at the whakatau:
The manuhiri (visitors) will gather together outside the hall then someone will lead you into the whakatau
The tangata whenua (hosts) will be seated facing the manuhiri (visitors) to welcome you.
A mihi (welcome speech) will be made by a representative of the school. Then the children and staff will stand and sing a waiata (song) to support the speaker’s message. There may be other speakers, a waiata will follow each speech. Children and staff will sit down after the waiata.
A representative from the manuhiri (visitors) will respond, then the group will stand and sing to support the speaker, a waiata. The group will sit down.
The last speaker will then be from the school.
Hariru – the hosts and new families involved will shake hands, hongi (nose to nose) or kiss.
Terrace End School will offer a simple morning tea or kai for everyone to share. This concludes the whakatau and signifies the coming together of the visitors and the Terrace End community.
Tikanga – whakatau (Customs or Procedures)
After consultation with our school wide community, including staff, parents and the Board of Trustees, as well as consultation with local Kaumatua, we have developed our own school tikanga (customs or procedures) for our school whakatau, to reflect the visions and values of our school.
Men and women are allowed to speak – this is both for the Tangata Whenua and the Manuhuri. The Principal will open the whakatau with a formal mihi.
Speakers are welcome to speak in any language they feel comfortable with, however, a greeting in Te Reo Māori is encouraged.
Men and women can sit in the front row – speakers should sit in the front row
Principal, speakers, Rangitaane representative, and student leaders.
If on the front row, you will be asked to take part in the Hariru, you can choose whether to hongi, handshake, elbow bump or kiss on the cheek.
Student leaders and representatives will be invited to sit on chairs with the teachers and wider staff as Tangata Whenua.
A haka may be performed by staff and students.
We do not have karanga, ceremonial call, at our whakatau. Karanga is traditionally viewed as a connection between the living and spiritual worlds, the karanga is steeped in tikanga and epitomises the mana wahine — the power of women within the marae. It is a spiritual call that has been heard through generations of whānau across the country and is usually used at a Pōwhiri, not a whaktau. As part of our whānau consultation, the local Kaumatua and whānau, felt that it was not appropriate for girls of Primary school age to be asked to karanga. It is also something that would require specialist teaching and this is not something we are currently able to offer at school.
Manuhuri are invited to stay for a cup of tea, coffee or drink and a bite to eat to remove the tapu, sacredness from the ceremony. A karakia kai will be recited before manuhiri are invited to eat.
Tangata Whenua - Waiata
Tūtira mai ngā iwi
Tātou tātou e
Tūtira mai ngā iwi
Tātou tātou e
Whaia te māramatanga
me te aroha - e ngā iwi!
Kia tapatahi,
Kia kotahi rā.
Tātou tātou e.
Manuhiri (Parents/whānau being welcomed to the school)
A possible outline for what you could say – you do not have to speak in Te Reo Māori.
Tēnā koutou e te whānau o te Kura o Terrace End
He mihi nui ki a koutou katoa
Tēnā koe __________ (mō tōu kōrero whakatau)
Tēnā koutou e ngā kaiako
Tēnā koutou e ngā tamariki
Ko __________ tōku ingoa
→ Switch to English
Greetings to the family/community of Terrace End School
Greetings to all of you
Thank you ___________ (for your welcoming speech/words)
Greetings to the teachers
Greetings to the children
My name is ___
→ Finish/wrap up with:
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou,
tēnā koutou katoa.
Manuhiri - Waiata
Te aroha Love
Te whakapono Faith
Me te rangimarie And peace
E Tatou tatou e Be amongst us all (translation)