Extra Curriculars


Extra-curricular programs provide students with the opportunity to enhance their educational experience. These programs support the development of a well-rounded individual. All extra-curricular programming sanctioned by Northern and the TDSB is in addition to a student’s academic commitment.

Participating in extra-curricular programming at Northern Secondary School is encouraged. However, participation is a privilege and academics come first.

Participating students are highly-visible role models in the school and community. Participants must meet the following requirements:

· Attend all timetabled classes on time

· Demonstrate a positive and respectful attitude to staff and students at school and extra-curricular events

· Work to maintain a passing grade in all subjects, or demonstrate a commitment to improvement if in academic difficulty

· Assume responsibility for all work missed while participating in extra-curricular programs.

The administration can exclude students from participating in extra-curricular programs until these requirements are met.