

“Deaf” Definition (from the Ministry of Education) – An impairment characterized by deficits in language and speech development because of diminished or non-existent auditory response to sound.

“Audism” Definition (from the Canadian Hearing Society) – Audism can be defined in various ways: The notion that one is superior based on one’s ability to hear and/or speak; Behaving in a manner that intentionally or knowingly results in a negative stigma toward, limits, or excludes anyone who does not hear; A system of advantage based on hearing and speaking ability.

Audism encompasses systemic and individual attitudes and behaviours or practices that differentiate individuals based on their level of hearing. Audism can also be of a more systemic nature such as having lower expectations of staff who are Deaf or offering a promotion or a position to a Deaf or hard-of-hearing individual based on how “hearing-like” the individual looks, acts, or functions.

Northern SS recognizes that Deaf people are a linguistic and cultural minority. Within the school, the language and culture of Deaf people is recognized, respected, valued, and supported and Deaf people are valued as positive role models.

The purpose of this Anti-Audism policy is to outline the framework by which to address any inappropriate beliefs and remove any inappropriate behaviour that are based on the ability to hear and which result in differential treatment towards those who are Deaf, deafened or hard of hearing.