TOPS Night

At the end of each school year, the Grade 11 class plans a special night for the TOPS community to enjoy: TOPS Night. It is a night of talent and tears, where students make and revisit old memories, celebrate their talents and achievements, and fill the cafeteria with the sound of laughter and cries.

Family, friends, and future and former TOPS students attend the event. The evening consists of TOPS students showcasing their artistic talent, oftentimes through dance or music. Over time comes tradition. For the last few years, a Grade 12 student has composed and conducted TOPSody—a TOPS orchestral tribute to their four years at TOPS.

Speaking of videos, each grade of students is required to create a video. The Grade 9s to 11s create a video to bid farewell to the senior students, while the seniors’ video commemorates their future plans. For them, the night is bittersweet. It is one filled with the excitement of the future, but also with the knowledge that their time in TOPS is coming to an end. And for everyone else, it is a reminder of all the fun scheduled up until they graduate.

In 2020 and 2021, TOPS Night was held virtually. Livestreams of these events can be found on the TOPS Night YouTube channel. In 2022, TOPS Night shifted back to a full event in the cafeteria. All recordings can be found on the channel.

Future events will continue to be held in the cafeteria, in June. Look out for further announcements in the Spring!

 “We worked, laughed, cried, and  grew together… We are nothing less than a family.” – TOPS Student, 2013