About Us

TOPS is a maths, sciences, and technology enrichment program at Marc Garneau C.I. Founded in 1987, the TOPS program presents students with a unique educational environment that features a challenging curriculum which includes courses on AP Physics and AP Calculus, as well as enriched classes in Chemistry, Biology, Social Justice, and English. Typically, TOPS students also travel as a group to YMCA Camp Pinecrest and the Stratford Festival amongst other field trips, forming a close-knit community of students that lasts beyond their high school journey.

TOPS has produced and will continue to produce many outstanding graduates every year. Many TOPS graduates are admitted to some of the most prestigious universities in Canada and across the world. In these environments, TOPS students often excel as a result of their studies in high school. In addition to their post-secondary success, TOPS students are often the recipients of major scholarships such as the Loran Scholarship and National Scholarship at the University of Toronto. 

TOPS welcomes Toronto students from all walks of life. Applicants must meet the requirement of living in Toronto by the start of their grade 9 school year and express a strong interest in an enriched STEM-based program. TOPS students are highly motivated individuals with a broad range of interests. Students in the program are placed together for up to 12 of their classes over their 4 years of secondary education and benefit from being surrounded by other passionate and motivated individuals. The coursework is enriched through a variety of means, depending on the areas of knowledge and interest of the instructor.