School Events

At Marc Garneau CI, the Student Activity Council (SAC) organizes a plethora of events for all students at the school. Every month or two, SAC hosts a spirit week when students dress up, play tug-of-war and other activities at lunch, and join a spirit rally. There are informal Food Fiestas and Club Fairs at lunch, when clubs can sell snacks and meals while also promoting their group, fundraising, or finding new members. More formal dances include the traditional Fallfest, which was revamped as a Winter Wonderland in 2019-2020, the semi-formal in winter, and prom, all of which are held later at night  and may be held at a separate hall from the school. At the end of the year, students also celebrate the school’s best athletes and sporting accomplishments at the athletic banquet. Each of these events is available to all of the students at MGCI, and serve as a great way for students in the program to meet those outside of TOPS and participate in school spirit.