Housing Resources

Accessing Emergency Shelter

Emergency shelters continue to remain open. Contact central intake for support. Click the picture beside for more info.

Shelter & Housing Resources:

Where to go when you are looking for a bed or housing support

Housing Resources during Covid 19

Get help if you are experiencing violence

Are you or someone you know experiencing violence? There is help. Learn about the resources available to you.

Call the Assaulted Women's Helpline to access information on Emergency Housing for Women and Children

Call: 416.863.0511 or Text: #SAFE (#7233)

Landlord and Tenant Board

The Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) resolves:

disputes between residential landlords and tenants

eviction applications filed by non-profit housing co-operatives

Renting in Ontario: Your rights

Read about the laws that affect tenants and landlords in Ontario.

Toronto Rent Bank

Residents may be eligible for an interest-free rental arrears or rental deposit loan if they:

  • Live in Toronto

  • Pay market rent for a rental unit covered by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)

  • Fall within the low-income household eligibility requirement

  • Are not currently in receipt of social assistance such as Ontario Works (OW) or Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)*

  • Can satisfy other Toronto Rent Bank Program requirements, as required

Loan repayments can be deferred for up to 12 months.

Low-income Energy Assistance Program

If you’re behind on your electricity or natural gas bill and face having your service disconnected, you may qualify for emergency financial help through the Low-income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP). There are also special customer service rules available for low-income households. You need to meet certain criteria to qualify for these programs, and must go through one of the intake agencies in Ontario listed below.

COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP)

Apply for a one-time credit to help with your electricity costs.

The Government of Ontario has introduced the COVID-19 Energy Assistance Program (CEAP) to support residential customers struggling to pay their electricity bills as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. CEAP provides a one-time, on-bill credit to eligible customers in need of financial assistance during this time.