Employment Resources

St. Stephen's Employment Services

Ready to find a job? You've come to the right place! We have lots of programs and resources for you, including our very own job board.

JVS Toronto

We have extensive experience providing career exploration, job search support, employment recruitment, mentoring, job coaching and retention, as well as psychological, educational and vocational assessments and treatment services delivered across nine locations.

Our dedicated team of multi-disciplinary professionals is experienced in providing services to children, youth and adults. In particular, we are knowledgeable in supporting individuals with disabilities, newcomers to Canada, at-risk youth, and mature workers.


Springboard’s Employment Programs department delivers eleven individualized programs and services to support vulnerable youth and adults to acquire skills for today’s workforce through one-on-one career counseling, pre-employment skill-building workshops, free training opportunities, paid work placements, job shadowing, job coaching, and more. Our programs and services help over a thousand participants per year to reach their personal skill development and career goals.

The Career Foundation

Offers a diverse range of services for all ages to help you meet your employment goals. This includes Youth programming, trades and apprenticeship info, online workshops and many other options. Click the link beside for more info.

Building Up

You should apply to Building Up if you are looking for a career in the construction trades. We offer paid training that will give you exposure to multiple trades so that you can decide on a career path that works for you. You will be given an opportunity to learn on jobsites with experienced tradespeople who understand how to support you. You will tour multiple construction unions and be supported down the career path that is best for you. Programs offered for ages 18+.

This is a springboard for the rest of your life.

Watch the video below to see Calvin's Story!