Monthly Highlights and Displays


Earlier this school year, we were so grateful to have received 10 books in honour of a former student, Abbey Tran.

We received this donation from the Abbey's Goal Foundation

The beautiful and carefully selected books focused on themes of friendship, teamwork, kindness and human rights. They added to our book collection.

As they were being taken out by our students we were so happy that the messages that Abbey stood for were spreading but also staying with us forever.

These books made an impact on our students and became a way that we will continue remembering and honouring her beautiful memory.



Ramadan is an important month for Muslims in our local and global communities!

During this holy month many Muslims fast from sunup to sundown.

Fasting is when you don't eat or drink for a certain time.

Muslims fast to become empathetic and thankful for all they have.

They also fast to remember that they are one part of a bigger community and that they must always work to make their community better for all people!

Many Muslims go to the Mosque and invite their family and friends over to break their fast.

This year Ramadan may look different from other times because of social distancing but there are still lots of great ways to be part of it!

Click on the video below to hear some Ramadan stories!


Easter is a Christian holiday and many people in our local and global communities celebrate it!

It is a time to reflect and spend time with friends and families.

Easters eggs are usually a symbol associated with Easter.

An egg represents a new life and is a way to welcome and celebrate spring.

This year celebrating Easter may look different from other times because of social distancing but there are still lots of fun ways to celebrate!

Click on the video below to hear some Easter stories!


Passover is a Jewish holiday and many people in our local and global communities celebrate it!

It is a celebration of new beginning, spring and also remembering important religious events from the past.

Passover can last 7-8 days.

To celebrate some families will clean their homes to prepare, eat a special dinner called a seder on the first night with families and friends, eat matzah which is a special type of flatbread and participate in many traditional rituals that remember important Jewish events and history.

This year celebrating Passover may look different from other times because of social distancing but there are still lots of ways to celebrate!

Click on the videos below to hear some Passover stories!

April 8 is the International Day of Pink

Discrimination takes many shapes, whether it’s based on race, age, disabilities, gender or sexuality. The 2SLGBTQIA+ community is no stranger to the bullying and violence that stems from hateful beliefs. While progress has been made towards removing these social barriers from our society, discrimination still persists. So, every year, on the second Wednesday of April, people around the world put on a pink shirt and stand in solidarity with the 2SLGBTQIA+ community to continue fighting for equality and acceptance.


As we wear pink to recognize the International Day of the Pink, it is so important that we remember our role as active citizens to make our local and global communities a better place for all types of people. We must do all we can to stop discrimination and bullying. One really good way to learn about all types of people is by reading amazing books! Books can help us try to understand people's lives and choices. They can build a lot of empathy and respect. Please check out the following great stories connected to the message of the International day of Pink. Click on the videos below to hear the stories! Enjoy!

April is National Poetry Month!

Check out the calendar below to read some great and diverse poems!

Poem a Day Calendar