Character Trait of the Month


Integrity is doing the right thing even no one is watching.

It is about being a trustworthy and honest person.

How can you show integrity?

Click below to hear some stories about integrity!


The character trait for April is Cooperation!

Cooperation is when we all work together to achieve the same goal.

When we work together we can accomplish more and support each other.

Book Recommendation and Review:

Title: Nibi's Water Song

Author: Sunshine Tenasco

Illustrator: Chief Lady Bird

Main Idea: Cooperation, Community and Enviromental stewardship


Nibi has been playing and is very thirsty! She comes home to drink some water only to find that the water coming out from the tap is not clean! The water is dirty with lots of germs and dirt. Nibi goes to different neighbourhoods to see if she can find some clean water. She finds that in some neighbourhood with big houses some people share water bottles with her but she wonders why they have clean water and she does not. Nibi takes this opportunity to raise awareness about issues of clean water in many Indigenous communities like her own. She makes signs that say "Clean Water" and "Water is life, I am thirsty". Soon lots of people from different communities come together and raise awareness about this important issue and work to make a difference.

Important Messages:

We learn that some Indigenous communities in Ontario and Canada do not have access to clean drinking water.

We learn that by working together with others we can raise awareness about important issues and make a difference.

Favourite part:

The beautiful and colourful illustrations in the book. Look at some of the pictures below.

Video: Listen to a Read Aloud about Cooperation