Grades 9-12

Course Request Process

We encourage students to use the resources at their disposal to request courses that engage interest, learning, and exploration of post-secondary destinations.   The information on this page pertains to current Harbord students in grades 9-12. 

Hard copies of the resources below will be distributed to students at the start of semester II. 

Instructions 2024.pdf


Current HCI students in grades 9-12 should read and follow these instructions carefully. 

OSSD req.pdf

OSSD Requirements

Check the requirements against your credit accumulation as shown in myBlueprint. It is every student's responsibility to ensure they select courses to meet all the OSSD requirements. 

Harbord Course Calendar 2024-2025.pdf

HCI Course Calendar

**This is the best tool to guide you through the Course Request Process** It contains lists of our course offerings, prerequisite flow charts, program and department info, myBlueprint instructions, Co-Op OYAP Dual Credit Info etc. 

Grade 9-10 Checklist_ 2024-2025.pdf

Grade 9 to 10 Checklist

Grade 10-11 Checklist- 2024 2025.pdf

Grade 10 to 11 Checklist

Grade 11-12 Checklist- 2024 2025.pdf

Grade 11-12 Checklist

Grade 12 Checklist 2024 25

Grade 12 Checklist

COURSE FAIR - Friday February 9th 2024 11am-12pm

During the Course Fair, students will have the opportunity to speak with teachers and former students about electives they're researching for next year.  It is essential that every student take time to research the courses they're requesting as changes after the start of a semester will not be considered unless there are extenuating circumstances (errors or courses needed as prerequisites).  

The Course Fair is taking place throughout the school, and we hope students go to as many rooms as possible to ask questions about class structure, the type of assessment and evaluations, content covered etc. The Room Locator (below) will be posted in the halls, in our Guidance Google Classroom,  and on our website (    

Friday's Schedule

Period 1 - 9:00 to 9:55

Period 2 - 10:00 to 10:55

COURSE FAIR and Grade 12 ASSEMBLY - 11:00 to 12:00

Period 3 - 1:05 to 2:10

Period 4 - 2:15 - 3:15