Safety & Inclusion

Safety & Inclusion at CHPS

At Churchill Heights PS we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive space for all of our students, staff and community partners.  We work every day to support the uniqueness and diversity of students. We strive to make everyone feel welcome and accepted in our school so they can be successful and reach their full potential, regardless of their background or personal circumstances. 

Equitable and Inclusive Education

Through the work of the Equitable and Inclusive Schools team, the Board ensures that fairness, equity and inclusion are essential principles in our schools and are integrated into all policies, programs, operations and practices.

Our work is guided by the Equity Foundation Statement and enhanced by the contributions of a diverse community of students, parents and community groups through the Equity Policy Community Advisory Committee.

Together, we work to develop an inclusive curriculum that reflects our diverse student population; develop plans for student engagement; and provide professional development for our teachers and staff to help all students succeed. 

The TDSB is recognized as a world leader in equitable and inclusive schools and in 2008 was awarded with the prestigious Carl Bertelsmann Prize for outstanding commitment to equity in education.

Learn more:

For further information about how we support our students, please go to Gender-Based Violence and Prevention and Caring and Safe Schools.

Read our Guidelines and Procedures for Religious Accommodations.

Read about our Anne Hope Awards.

Anti Bullying Statement

Providing safe, inclusive and positive spaces accepting of all students is a priority at Churchill Heights Public School. Our school is a community where all students are respected, welcomed, nurtured, engaged and encouraged.

Bullying is aggressive behaviour that is typically repeated over time. It is meant to cause harm, fear or distress or create a negative environment at school for another person. Bullying can take on a number of different forms: physical, verbal, social or electronic, often called cyber-bullying. All forms of bullying are taken seriously in the TDSB.


Whether the bullying happened at school, between students off school property or online, if it impacts student safety, we will investigate and respond to any reports.

Be part of making our school safer – report bullying.


We are committed to creating a school that are safe, welcoming and inclusive spaces for all. Specifically, an important part of that commitment is ensuring prevention and intervention strategies are being implemented to address the serious, and negative impact of bullying on students.

When students have healthy relationships in their lives and feel connected to their school community, they are less likely to bully others and are more likely to support students who are bullied. Promoting healthy relationships among students is a key way to prevent bullying and create a safe and accepting school climate. And, the power of having an adult who students can connect with and feel comfortable talking to is critical. Our school is committed to working to strengthen relationships between students and school adults and improving overall school climate to create inviting and engaging learning spaces where students want to be.

CHPS is committed to working to strengthen relationships between students and school adults and improving overall school climate to create inviting and engaging learning spaces where students want to be.


Bullying prevention and intervention plans are developed from an anti-racist and anti-oppressive approach and we collaborate and consult with culturally-responsive community partners to address issues of racism, cultural bias and oppression arising in the bullying.

Learn more about the bullying prevention programs in that are offered by TDSB and the educational partners we work with to support anti-bullying initiatives in our schools and classrooms.

Learn more about cyberbullying and tips and resources to stop and prevent it.

System and Provincial Support

While much of the work happens at the local level, policies and procedures are in place at the both the system and provincial levels to support this work.

Caring and Safe Schools TDSB policies and procedures:

Safe and Accepting Schools provincial policies:

Gender-Based Violence Prevention

The TDSB is committed to creating learning environments where people of all gender identities, gender expressions and sexual orientations feel empowered and supported. 

Our Gender-Based Violence Prevention (GBVP) staff work to promote healthy relationships and safe environments in our schools.  Our core function is to prevent and address gender-based violence, homophobia, transphobia, sexual harassment, and inappropriate sexual behaviour by students towards other students in schools. We support the implementation of violence prevention activities and plans throughout the Board, and offer social work support to students and families.

To know what defines Gender-Based Violence please read our Gender-Based Violence Policy

Professional learning for staff and support for students are delivered through consultation, workshops, student leadership , and long-term prevention planning.

Other initiatives include the Gender Independent Group's, system-wide groups for trans, non-binary and gender independent students and their parents/caregivers; the Safe & Positive Spaces program which offers training and consultation to school staff; the Board’s Guidelines for the Accommodation of Transgender and Gender Independent/Non-Conforming Students and Staff which promotes dignity and equality for transgender and gender independent staff and students; the Envision Conference ; and social work support for the Triangle Program, Canada’s only classroom for 2SLGBTQ+ youth. 

Please contact us if you require additional information about any of the supports we offer.  If you are looking for a particular resource please contact our staff who would be happy to assist.

We are committed to maintaining a learning and working environment which actively promotes and supports human rights. Please read our policy and procedures to find out how.