
The Gifted Program

All students in the Gifted Program will have an Individual Education Plan (IEP). This IEP will focus on 3 alternative areas, which are embedded into the curriculum.

Research Skills, Thinking Skills, Awareness of Self and Others

Gifted Students are evaluated on these skills but are not given a separate mark, they are integrated within their class assignments.

Separate Alternative page 3 for each area (research skills, thinking skills, & awareness of self and others) will make up the student’s IEP

The IEP will state the specific expectation the teacher will be focussing on within these three areas for each term

Look for comments in the Learning Skills Area of the Provincial Report Card that will tell you how your child is progressing in these areas

For more on IEPs, please visit our IEP Explained page.

Example of Gifted Program Work

The program follow the Ontario Curriculum and students work at grade level, but programs are extended in depth and breath & enriched. Here is an example:

Research Skills

Skill – Inquiry

Grade 5 Science – Energy Conservation

Culminating Task: Write a persuasive letter to the Minister of Environment to convince him of the best source of energy for Ontario

Learning Tasks: Students do research to find out about different sources of energy used in Ontario (Lessons on taking point form notes and referencing sources)

Assessment/Evaluation of Skill: Adequate sources of research, point form notes are clear, appropriate amount of notes, sources cited appropriately.