Relax and Breathe

Mental health needs to be a priority for everyone! Here are a few ideas that may help your family build mindfulness into your daily routines.

Mental Health Week- May 4-10

Try to make a focused effort this week to work on your mental health. Try some of the activities on the calendar. I think you'll be surprised at how much a small action can make a big impact.


I have always loved the idea of a heightened sense of awareness. You may have heard me say,

"This could be it!"

"What Ms. Samuel? What could be it?"

"This could be the most beautiful Wednesday in April! Look at it! You don't want to miss it."

With a heightened sense of awareness comes a greater appreciation of what we have around us. Give it a try. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at how much your spirits are lifted with this simple act of being more conscious of what's around.

Send me a picture or a video of what you are grateful for!

Warmly, Ms. Samuel

Five Finger Breathing