
Internet Safety and tips on using Google Classrooms

The TDSB has created an excellent resource for families on how to use all of google tools (google classrooms, google meets etc.) There is also a section on internet safety.

Now that our kids are using the internet daily we need to be extra careful. It’s important that children know about online safety, how to safeguard their valuable information, recognize scams and phishing attempts, and keep private information private. There is a great conversation guide to help you tackle the tough tech questions and navigate the digital world as a family.

Some advice from CAMH and PHE Canada

Be Active

Promote physical activity as a way to minimize any anxiety that may arise, and proactively talk about the the precautions that young people can take and how they can be part of the solution

Remind children that doctors and other experts around the world are working hard to stop the virus. This can help kids understand that smart, capable people are taking actions.

Remain Calm and Reassuring

Children will react to and follow your verbal and nonverbal reactions. What you say and do about COVID-19, current prevention efforts, and related events can either increase or decrease anxiety. Remind them that you and the adults are there to keep them to stay safe and healthy.

Always aim to instil confidence and calmness to ensure accurate information is being shared and common procedures are being followed.

Parenting Through a Pandemic-Alyson Schafer.

A very good interview with some great strategies to help kids of all ages, especially teenagers deal with the covid crisis.

Children's Mental Health Ontario

Corona virus explanations

A gentle explanation for younger students.

Suitable for all ages.

An excellent explanation of the the corona virus, how it works and what we should do.

Suitable for approximately grades 3 and older.

Corona Virus Explained by Violin MD.

Suitable for approximately grades 5 and older.