brock HPE & athletics

Age 10 is the key. If a girl doesn’t participate in sport by age 10 there is only a 10% chance she’ll be physically active at age 25.

september 2020

Welcome back Brock families! Well, this is definitely not what I expected our return to school to look like.

It is with a heavy heart that I announce I will not be teaching health and physical education this year. I will be teaching grade 5/6 on the third floor.

I cannot tell you how much I will miss teaching everyone in the whole school. I love watching you all learn to run, jump and play. I love watching you work together, help each other and use teamwork! But I know you have awesome skills and great physical literacy and I know you will continue to play and be active everyday.

I'm also sad to announce that all TDESAA athletics are cancelled until further notice. I know this is very disappointing for many of you, but we can't safely run sports or teams at this point. You remember what the cross country start line was like right?!

I don't know what the physical education program will look like this year, but I do know that your new PE teacher will be very lucky to have such energetic, talented, smart, strong students.

When I see you on the playground so me how fast and strong you are! I will be watching!!

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel

Brock on 3...

1... 2... 3...



final update-june 26

This year has been one like never before. I'm so proud of how you have persevered and remained focused throughout the past few months. In the weeks ahead you will need to make sure to relax and recharge! I don't know what the fall will have in store for us, but I know that we will all need to be at our best when September comes. So, please take very good care of yourselves. You deserve it!! I can't wait to see you full of energy and enthusiasm in the fall.

A Summer Haiku For You!

Have a great summer

Run, jump, ride, roll, play or swim!

Be active each day

Have a safe summer,


Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-june 22

Welcome to week 12 of remote learning. I can't believe this is our final week together/apart! You've done such a great job of taking care of your physical and mental health all this time. Way to go!

This week we will focus on summer safety and some fun challenges! The challenges will require some equipment (e.g., tennis balls, hula hoops, basketball, tennis racquet or paddle). Be creative and use what you can find around your home. Have fun!

Congratulations to William, Max and Addyson for completing at least five stations on the play day last week. Did you like your digital certificates? Great job!!

This year has been one like never before. I'm so proud of how you have persevered and stayed focused throughout the days, weeks and months. In the weeks ahead you will need to make sure to relax and recharge! I don't know what the fall will have in store for us, but I know that we will all need to be at our best when September comes. So, please take very good care of yourselves. You deserve it!! I can't wait to see you full of energy and enthusiasm in the fall.

Have a safe and active summer,


Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-june 15

Welcome to week 11 of remote learning. I can't believe we only have two weeks left together/apart! You are all doing such a good job of taking care of your physical and mental health. Way to go!

Did you feel the release of any endorphins last week? I sure did. I had a great bike ride with my family and we all felt so happy and calm afterwards. Endorphins are amazing. I challenge you all to go get some this week!

This week we begin a new unit on movement exploration. Petey is making some funny faces in this video! Wait til you see him! Let me know what materials you use to make the tree. I'd love to see a picture!

This week I've created one more Play Day for you! Can you recognize all of the teachers? This time, if you finish at least 5 stations and submit the form, I will send you a digital certificate of completion! Click on the words to see an explanation of the station. When you are finished, click the green check mark and submit the form.

I'm glad to see so many of you enjoyed the interactive play day last week. A special shout to to Sophia and Eli! I can't believe they used real eggs!

I can't wait to hear how you enjoyed the activities this week. I'm waiting at my inbox for your awesome pictures and videos! I love hearing from you.

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-june 8

Welcome to week 10 of remote learning. I can't believe we only have three weeks left together/apart! You are all doing such a good job of taking care of your physical and mental health. Way to go!

Keeping active is such a great way to keep yourself happy and calm. After about 20 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity your body releases endorphins. They are a special chemical your body produces that creates a feeling of happiness and a sense of well-being. Endorphins are the best and they are free!! So, get moving, and go get some!!

This week we will continue our unit on net/wall games. You'll get practice and learn how to hit an object over a net to open space and to defend your own space. I think Petey was sleeping on the net in the video? Did you see him?

This week I've created a special interactive Play Day for you! There are 8 stations for you to try. Your goal is to complete at least 5. Click on the words to see an explanation of the station. When you are finished, click the green check mark to submit the form. I have to give a huge thank you to Mr. Wittenberg from Niagara PS and his talented sons for sharing their ideas and demonstration videos.

I'm glad to see so many of you enjoyed the interactive gym last week. A special shout to to Loic, Simone, Vivian and her dad for getting moving and having some fun!

I can't wait to hear how you enjoyed the activities this week. I'm waiting at my inbox for your awesome pictures and videos! I love hearing from you.

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-june 1

Welcome to week 9 of remote learning. I can't believe we are into June! We have four weeks left to work together-but separately! I'm so proud of the great job you've done to take good care of yourselves. Let's stay focused and on track for the next few weeks.

This week we will continue our unit on net/wall games. You'll get practice and learn how to rally! Have fun setting up the games. Petey has a starring role in the video this week!

I've updated the links on the interactive gym so you can try some new things. Next week we will have a different interactive gym space, so enjoy this one while you can!

I'm glad to see so many of you filling in the Daily Wellness Checklist this week. Lots of you were creative, helpful, kind and very active! Way to go: Arsh, Nila, Lachlan, Emerson, William, Mercedes, Dibella, Lucca, June, Wyatt, Violet, Everley, Jessica, Eli, and Addyson! Keep up the great work.

I'm happy to report we had some winners for the final fitness challenge this week. Congratulations to everyone who sent in their scores. Check out the results on the Wellness Checklist and Fitness Tracker tab!

I was glad to receive emails from many from you this week telling me about the running you are doing, the videos you liked and the activity you've been tracking. I'm so proud of you. I love hearing from you.

Alright Brock School! It's June! Let's do this!

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-May 25

Welcome to week 8 of remote learning. How are you holding up? Are you enjoying the nice weather? I certainly am! The sunshine and warmth really lifts my spirits. What sorts of activities are you trying these days? We've been doing a lot of gardening and nature walks around here.

This week we will begin a new unit on net/wall games. The instructional videos begin with younger grades and progress to grades 7/8. Have fun setting up the games. I wonder if Petey will win this time around!!

How did you like the interactive gym space I created last week? I've updated the links so you can try some new things this time around. Please let me know how you like it.

Sadly, there was no winner of the fitness challenge this week. No one submitted their points!! Come on people! I know you are doing the exercises! This will be our last week for the fitness challenge. Remember to keep track of what you do each day and then add up your total points for the week. You could be the next big winner! Good luck!

Check out this picture of Amy and her poster for us. Trust me, Amy, I miss Brock too.

I can't wait to see more pictures of you being creative and strong!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-May 19

Welcome to week 7 of remote learning. This is a short week so we have to work hard to stay focused. If you are anything like me, I'm finding it hard to stay focused at home when I'm working. The distractions of the computer, the kitchen, the fridge, the windows, books, games and family are very real! I find that I always focus better after I've had some activity. If I go for a run, play catch for while or go for a 15 minute walk, I am more productive when I sit down to work again. What strategies are you using to keep yourself on task while we are learning at home?

This week we will be completing our work on sending/receiving, aiming and personal fitness. The grade 7/8's will work on the second lesson in volleyball skills.

**NEW THIS WEEK!* I've created an interactive gym space for you to choose some fitness and wellness activities. I hope you like it! So, start clicking and start moving!

Congratulations to the winners of the Fitness Challenge this week. To see who they are head over to the "Wellness Checklist and Fitness Tracker" tab. I think you'll be shocked to see who is in first place this week!! Remember to keep track of what you do daily and then submit your score at the end of the week. Good luck!

Check out this picture of Max and the amazing game he created! It's an updated version of Wall Ball. It looks like he's created a very intricate scoring system. Great job Max.

I can't wait to see more pictures of you being creative and strong!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-May 11

Welcome to week 6 of remote learning. I know the days are getting long and the novelty of this situation is wearing off. But, I encourage you to keep working at staying fit and healthy. You've done such a great job so far to maintain your good physical and mental health. Don't take your foot of the gas now! It's time to stay focused and keep moving!

This week we will be working on sending/receiving, aiming and personal fitness. The grade 7/8's will work on volleyball skills. Remember to work in an area that is safe.

Congratulations to the winner of the Fitness Challenge this week. To see who they are head over to the "Wellness Checklist and Fitness Tracker" tab. Remember to keep track of what you do daily and then submit your score at the end of the week. Good luck! I wonder if we will have repeat winners next week!

I love seeing so many pictures of you being active! Here are some great shots of Emily and Isabelle rolling around the neighbourhood. Jordan has been busy playing every sport he can! And Lorella made an obstacle course for her family! Please keep emailing me your pictures.

Stay focused and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

lovely to see you!

It was so lovely to see your smiling faces! I know we didn't see everyone, but please know you are in our hearts and we truly miss you all very much. Thanks for the banners, the posters, the cheering, the noisemakers and the chats. We could feel your warmth, even across the appropriate social distance! All the joy I felt put me in a poetry writing mood. And you know my favourite type of poem, right?

A Haiku for You

Sunshine and big smiles

Lifted our spirits and hearts

You're right, Brock Still Rocks!


Ms. Samuel

hpe@home- update-May 4

Welcome to week 5 of remote learning. By now you've probably settled into a good rhythm for your school work and your family life. I encourage you to work hard this week to maintain a good balance between the two.

This week we will be working on bike safety, basketball skills and personal fitness.

I've added a new challenge for you! For the month of May we will have a friendly competition to see who can earn the most points by completing the new weekly fitness tracker! I'll post the leaders each week!

May 4-10 is Mental Health week. Now more than ever we all need to take care of our mental health and well being. Check out the Action for Happiness calendar I've posted in the "Relax and Breathe" section.

I loved seeing so many pictures of you being active! Here are some great shots of Solomon, Vivian, Eli, Xander, Milo and Isabelle with a very special guest doing his favourite pose. Can you guess what the pose is? Did anyone guess who the goalie was in last weeks picture? Send me an email with your guesses!

Stay smart and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

neighbourhood visit

Monday, May 4 starting at 1:00pm.

Hello Brock Families,

A few teachers are planning to bike/drive through the neighbourhood on Monday for a socially distant hello! We will start at the school parking lot at 1:00 and continue as long as we can. Please come out to your porch and say hi!

Remember to stay a safe distance away from each other. Because we will be far apart, we will need extra big smiles and extra big waves to see you!

Spread the word!

Drive_Bike through the Brock Neighbourhood.pdf

hpe@home- update-april 27

Welcome to week 4 of remote learning. We are really getting into a groove now aren't we?!

I'm so glad to see lots of you completing the weekly activities checklist and the daily wellness checklist. It makes me so happy to know that you are taking good care of yourselves.

This week we will work on sending and receiving, personal fitness and basketball skills. Have fun with the activities.

Parents/Guardians: I've updated the Parents section with an excellent resource from the TDSB with tips on how to use the google classroom etc. and how to make sure our kids are being safe on the internet. We need to be more careful than ever these days.

Please keep sending me pictures and videos of you being active. Here's a great shot of Owen on his scooter! Can you guess who the goalie is?

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

HPE @Home- update april 20

Welcome to week 3 of remote learning. I think everyone seems to be getting the hang of it now!

I'm glad so many of you have filled in the "Daily Wellness Checklist". While it may seem like you're not doing much at home everyday, you actually are! You are being kind, helpful and active! Keep up the good work. This week I'm adding another checklist to help you keep track of the weekly activities you complete.

We will continue working on skipping this week. I've included some more challenging tricks for you!

How is the juggling experiment going? I imagine by now you are a bit frustrated. Don't despair! Keep at it for a few more days and see what happens. Keep in mind what we talked about in class--height means time! If you toss the ball a little higher you'll have more time to catch it. Good luck!

Please keep emailing me updates and pictures. I love seeing the different ways you are being active.

Stay focused and stay strong,

Ms. Samuel (

HPE @ Home- Update April 14

Well, here we are into our second week of remote learning. I hope you've had fun reconnecting with your teachers and your friends. I have loved hearing from so many of you! Thanks for sending me pictures of you being active! Thank you for filling in the "Daily Wellness Checklist". I really like seeing how many of you are taking control of your own physical and mental health.

This week we will be working on skipping, juggling (gr 4-8) and personal fitness. I've updated each grade division under the HPE @Home tab. I will be checking with you all on April 23 or 24 to see who has mastered the art of juggling! Good luck with the experiment!

Please send me a note and let me know how you're doing with the activities.

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel


Hello Brock School!

I miss you all so much! I can't believe I don't get to see your happy, smiling faces! I hope you are doing well and somehow trying to savour this "bonus time" we've been given.

During the next few weeks please be sure to take care of yourselves. You must exercise, create, accomplish, feed and rest everyday. While it's certainly easier to do these things in a school, surrounded by over 300 people who plan, protect and motivate you to achieve your best, it's not impossible to demand the same of yourself at home on your own.

You will need to engage as much self discipline as you can muster. Now is the time to teach yourself how to be responsible for your own self-improvement. I will be here to help you every step of the way, but you will need to make yourself work hard! I know you all very well and I know you have the power inside you to make good things happen.

I know it's hard being at home right now. Trust me, it's hard for me too. But, we are all in this together. We all need to work together to come out of this time stronger, smarter and more self aware than before.

Now, let's get active and let's get strong!

Warmly, Ms. Samuel

What to expect from this site:

Each week I will be adding more content. We already know we will not be in school for the month of April, so check back each Monday morning for updates. Also, if you just want to connect, send me an email and tell me how you are doing. I would love to hear from you!

update dec. 20

Sections updated: documents and forms

Our fall sports teams have wrapped up. We are so proud of everyone for joining in and playing! Trying new things and learning new skills is the name of game at this stage! Our next sports available are ice hockey, boys basketball and girls volleyball. Why not come out to a practice and give it a try!

On a personal note, I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming show of generosity this week. I am truly shocked. I feel very, very lucky to work in this community with supportive families and amazing kids. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Have a safe and active holiday. Get out there and savour it all!

Warmly, Ms. Samuel

update dec. 6

Sections updated: team news

Our sports teams are finishing up their seasons in the next two weeks. Our grade 4/5 girls basketball team played a great tournament at Palmerston, winning 3 out of 4 games! Our intermediate girls basketball team heads to Bowmore for their tournament on Dec. 10. Our junior boys volleyball team will join in at Humewood school on Dec. 18 for a day of skills, drills and games.

Our ice hockey program launched with a fast and furious practice on Wednesday. We have some very excited players with great skills!

With snowy hills and icy rinks the opportunities to play outside are endless!

Stay active and stay happy, Ms. Samuel

update nov. 29

Sections updated: intramurals, team news

Our sports programs have been moving along quite nicely! Our intermediate boys volleyball team played in a very challenging tournament last week. Although the competition was fierce, they played with determination and courage. Well done boys! Our junior girls basketball team played in a great tournament last week. They won both of their games quite handily! Way to go girls! Our intramurals have been quite exciting with our new BBL (Brock Basketball League). Check out the intramural tab for photos and results.

Next up we have junior boys volleyball and intermediate girls basketball! We are also getting ready to start ice hockey for grades 4-8. Our next intramurals will be for grades 1-2. Keep your eyes and ears open for more details!

Stay focused and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update nov. 8

Sections updated: intramurals, team news

Our late fall sports teams are up and running. The Jr. Girls basketball team is practicing hard for their tournaments coming up. The intermediate boys volleyball team is working hard to be ready for their tournament on Nov. 21. Our new lunch time intramural basketball league started last week. Find all the details under the intramural tab.

I'm so happy to see our students joining all kinds of different sports! Even if you don't think you're very good, come out and learn! Now is the time to learn the fundamentals and lay a foundation for a fun future in athletics.

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update oct. 25

Sections updated: home page

Our cross country and soccer seasons wrapped up in fine form this week!

Emerson and Robbie performed very well at the City Finals meet on Thursday. They ran hard, fast and with strength. We are so happy they both had great races!

Our junior girls soccer team played in a tournament on Friday. They played with courage and determination. They learned a lot about the game had loads of fun!

Our intermediate girls soccer team had a playoff game on Monday. They played a really strong game against Earl Haig but they lost 1-0. It was such a close game! They had some great chances to tie it up but just couldn't get that ball in the net! We are really proud of the way they played as a team. Way to go girls!

The next teams we can look forward to for grade 4-8 students are girls basketball and boys volleyball. Stay tuned to the morning announcements for practice details.

We are really looking forward to a strong season full of action!

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update oct. 25

Sections updated: home page

Our cross country and soccer seasons wrapped up in fine form this week!

Emerson and Robbie performed very well at the City Finals meet on Thursday. They ran hard, fast and with strength. We are so happy they both had great races!

Our junior girls soccer team played in a tournament on Friday. They played with courage and determination. They learned a lot about the game had loads of fun!

Our intermediate girls soccer team had a playoff game on Monday. They played a really strong game against Earl Haig but they lost 1-0. It was such a close game! They had some great chances to tie it up but just couldn't get that ball in the net! We are really proud of the way they played as a team. Way to go girls!

The next teams we can look forward to for grade 4-8 students are girls basketball and boys volleyball. Stay tuned to the morning announcements for practice details.

We are really looking forward to a strong season full of action!

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update oct. 18

Sections updated: team news, intramurals, TDESAA Sports

We've had a very busy week of sports here at Brock. Our cross country runners were racing and our soccer teams were playing. As the fall seasons begin to wrap up we are getting ready for the late fall sports. Fasten your seat belts for grade 4-8 girls' basketball and boys' volleyball! Listen to the morning announcements for more details from your coaches.

update oct. 7

Sections updated: team news

Wow! What an amazing day we had on OCT. 3 at Ashbridges Bay for our cross country meet. The weather was windy, wet and wild, as were our runners! We had a very successful day, with over 12 athletes advancing to the conference final on OCT. 17 @Ashbridges Bay. We are so proud of all our young runners. A special thank you must go to all the families who volunteered to marshal the course, to drive, to supervise and to transport and set up the school canopy. An event this big needs many hands. I feel very lucky to teach in a school where so many hands are willing to help.

update oct. 1

Please see the teams tab for special information about our cross country meet on Thursday, Oct. 3.

Go Brock Go!!!

update sept. 27

Sections updated: team news

We had a great week of practices and activity! Our cross country runners are nearly ready for their race day on OCT. 3. Our soccer players are getting their skills sharpened up in preparation for their tournaments in October.

We had a fantastic Terry Fox Run today! Ms. B reported that we surpassed our goal and raised over $1600!! Well done Brock! Our entire school took to the track today and remained active all afternoon! We are so proud of everyone.

Have a great weekend. Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update Sept. 24

Sections updated: team news, documents and forms

Our school is buzzing with sports activity all day long! We've got cross country before school and soccer after school. Remember to hand in the green "full year try out and participation" form at your first practice. Copies are on the table outside of the gym or in the "documents and forms" section of this web site.

Our Terry Fox run is on Friday, Sept 27 in the afternoon. Come out and run with us! Don't forget to make a donation if you can. We hope to raise $1000. Your support is much appreciated! Online donations can be made on our Team Fundraising School Page.

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update sept. 13

Sections updated: team news

Our cross country season is up and "running!" Our practices are listed on the calendar. Please make sure you check the weather. If it's raining cats and dogs practice is cancelled. If it's only raining a little bit, we will run!

Soccer tryouts/practices will begin on Tuesday after school. Please listen to daily announcements in school for more details from Ms. Moreiro. This team is for grades 4-8.

I encourage all students to get involved and get active!

Stay strong and stay happy, Ms. Samuel

Season Opener-Update Sept 8

Sections updated: team news, documents and forms.

Welcome back! We are very excited for another year of athletics at Brock! We encourage all students to get involved and participate in some sports. Being part of a team is an amazing feeling. Join in, sign up and play!

Our cross country running season is already underway. Please see the team news section for details about practices times and meet dates.

Let's get active and get strong!

Ms. Samuel

final update-June 27

Sections updated: team news

Well that's a wrap on an awesome year of athletics! It's time to put The Golden Shoe Award away until the fall.

Thanks to our amazing teachers and parents we were able to offer an incredible number of teams and events for our students. This year we offered:

  • grades 1-8 cross country

  • junior boys soccer

  • junior girls soccer

  • intermediate boys soccer

  • intermediate girls soccer

  • junior boys basketball

  • junior girls basketball

  • intermediate boys basketball

  • intermediate girls basketball

  • junior ice hockey

  • junior boys volleyball

  • junior girls volleyball

  • intermediate girls volleyball

  • grade 8 co-ed volleyball

  • junior boys slo-pitch

  • junior girls slo-pitch

  • intermediate boys slo-pitch

  • intermediate girls slo-pitch

  • junior co-ed ultimate frisbee

  • intermediate co-ed ultimate frisbee

  • grades 4-8 track and field

  • grades 2/3 run, jump, throw

  • grades 1-8 intramurals and open gym time

I'm so proud of all our students who signed up and joined a team or an intramural. Being part of our school athletics program is a great way to get involved. I hope that next year we can continue to grow our programs even more.

To get ready, why not start thinking about cross country season? Try going for a 10-15 minute run two or three times a week over the summer. Practices begin right away! On Thursday, September 5 we will meet at 7:45am in the gym to go for a run. I can't wait!

Until then, have a safe and active summer.

Be smart and be strong,

Ms. Samuel

update may 21

Sections updated: main page

Please see the schedule and driving plan for our track meet on June 3 @Birchmount Stadium (5 Birchmount Rd, Scarborough, ON M1N 3J). Track practices continue until May 31--Running: Mon, Tues, Thurs mornings 7:45, Jumping: Tues, Thurs, Fri 11:55.

Stay focused and stay strong! Ms. Samuel

June 3 Conference Final Schedule and Driving Plan. (two pages)

2019 June 3 Track and Field schedule and driving plan.pdf

update may 17

Sections updated: Team News

The results are in! Our track team did very well! Check out the team news section for complete details. We have 15 students advancing to the conference final on June 3 @Birchmount stadium. We will continue with practices as usual until May 31.

Our junior ultimate frisbee team had a great tournament on Tuesday. We played better than we ever have before. Although we lost and do no advance to the playoffs, I'm very excited for the future of ultimate frisbee at Brock. Our kids are just going to get better and better every year!

Our slo-pitch teams have their games next week. Intermediate boys on Tuesday @ Annette and the intermediate girls on Wednesday @Queen Vic.

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel


Sections updated: Team News

It has taken me a week to dry out! The track meet last Friday at Varsity Stadium was a wet and wild time! We ran, jumped and threw in the rain and cold. And we were awesome!! Many of our athletes achieved personal bests! Our official results are not out yet, but we know for sure that at least 5 athletes advanced to the conference final on June 3 @Birchmount. Stay tuned for results soon.

Our ultimate frisbee teams are hammering along. The junior team has their tournament on Tuesday, May 14 @Givins Shaw. We will play from approximately 8:30-1:00 . The date for the intermediate team is still TBD.

Our slo-pitch teams are practicing very hard! Their tournament dates are:

7/8 Boys-May 21 7/8 Girls-May 22

Jr. Boys-TBD Jr. Girls-June 10

This is it! We are in the final stages of our sports for the year. I am so excited to watch our students show their new and improved skills as they compete around the city.

Stay strong and stay active, Ms. Samuel

track and field update-May 1

Our big day is on Friday! Please see the attached travel plan and meet schedule. Please be aware that events can run up to 30 minutes ahead of schedule. It's been my experience that things usually run late, but we need to be prepared.

Please be at school 15 minutes prior to your departure time to organize jerseys and take attendance. We will travel by subway from Dufferin station to St. George station. Varsity Stadium is at Bedford and Bloor. Please dress for the weather. There is very little shelter at the track and it can often be very windy and cold. The meet runs RAIN or SHINE!

I'm so proud of our athletes. They have trained hard through very difficult weather conditions all season. I can't wait to watch them fly on Friday. If you are in the area, drop by and cheer us on!

Go Brock Go!!

Track & Field Travel Plan & Meet Schedule

May 3, 2019

2019 Travel Plan-May 3 Varsity Stadium.pdf

update apr. 26

Sections Updated: Team News, Documents and Forms

Our track team is almost set! We've trained very hard and are in the final stages of choosing events. We will finalize our team selection on Monday, April 29.

Our junior ultimate frisbee team began practicing on Friday. We had a great turn out! Practices will continue Thursday and Fridays 3:30-4:30. If the weather is very wet, we will practice in the gym.

Our slo-pitch teams are in full "swing". Practices continue Mondays and Tuesdays 3:3-5:00.

I'm really excited to watch our students participate in all our amazing spring sports.

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update apr. 12

Sections Updated: Team News

Track and Field practices are in full swing. Our runners are doing a great job of putting up with Mother Nature's cold and windy mornings. Hopefully, she will be kinder to us next week.

Slo-Pitch practices have begun! It's great to see so many kids playing catch a recess and lunchtime. Let's keep up the momentum!

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update apr. 5

Sections Updated: Team News

Alright, alright, alright! Our spring sports have sprung into action! This week we started track and field training. Next week slo-pitch practices begin.

If you haven't signed up for a team yet this year, now is the time! Track, slo-pitch and ultimage frisbee are going to be awesome. You don't want to miss out!

Sign up, join in, play!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update mar. 29

Sections Updated: Team News, Documents and Forms

We've wrapped up our boys' basketball seasons. Congratulations to our intermediate who played very well in a 3-on-3 tournament this week. Thanks a million to their coach, Mr. Clement for inspiring them and preparing them for the day.

Our spring sports are ready to spring into action! Track and field practices begin on Monday, April 1 at 7:45 (this is not an April Fool's joke!) Please meet at 7:45 and be ready to run. Mornings can be chilly, please come prepared. Complete practice details can be found in the team news section. Slo-pitch practices will begin in mid-April. Stay tuned for more information soon.

Enjoy the warm weather and have some fun!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update Mar.8

Sections Updated: Team News

We've had a busy season of basketball here at Brock. Our grade 8 team set a great example for our younger students. Our grade 6 boys team played a great tournament on Thursday. They played with courage, determination and skill. Their coach, Mr. Hong was very proud of them! Way to go boys!

The next teams available for our early spring season are junior co-ed volleyball and grade 8 co-ed volleyball. After that we start training for track and field and then begin slo-pitch and ultimate frisbee!

I hope you all enjoy the March break with your family and friends. Remember to stay active and have fun! When we return it's full speed ahead into the warm, sunny days of spring.

Savouring the last bits of winter, Ms. Samuel

update feb. 15

Sections Updated: Intramurals

Our intermediate girls volleyball team played very well in their tournament last week. Although they lost, they played with heart and improved with every set! Way to go girls. Our intermediate boys basketball team also had their tournament last week. They played three strong games. Although they didn't advance to the playoff round, they played as a team and supported each other very well. We are very proud of our older athletes. They are setting a good example of sportsmanship, positivity and participation for our younger students. Keep up the great work!

Have a wonderful long weekend. I hope it's filled with lots of action packed fun!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update feb. 5

Sections Updated: Team News, Intramurals

Our ice hockey team finished their season this week. We played very well and improved by leaps and bounds! I'm so proud of all our young players who wholeheartedly embraced the game ! We finished with our best record in a long time- 1 win, 2 losses, 1 tie!

Our volleyball and basketball teams have been practicing hard for their upcoming tournaments! Our junior volleyball team has even played some exhibition games! If you'd like to watch a game, please check the calendar and come out!

The grade 3/4 Pokemon Floor Hockey season is underway! We've had some thrilling games so far. Check the team lists and schedule posted in the "Intramurals" tab.

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update jan. 18

Sections Updated: Team News

Our teams are in full swing! The gym is full of the wonderful sounds of basketballs bouncing, whistles blowing and volleyballs bumping. It's music to my ears.

Next week we will begin sign up for grade 3-4 Pokemon Floor Hockey! Sign up will take place during PE classes.

Stay active and stay strong! Ms. Samuel

update jan. 11

Sections Updated: Team News, Documents and Forms

Happy New Year! Welcome back!

We have a great season ahead for our students. Our awesome teachers are offering the following sports:

Junior Ice Hockey (Ms. Samuel)

Junior Boys' basketball (Mr. Hong)

Intermediate Boys' basketball (Mr. Clement)

Junior Girls' volleyball (Ms. Lamovsek, Ms. Fischer and Ms. Kortje)

Intermediate Girls' volleyball (Ms. Lamovsek, Ms. Fischer and Ms. Kortje)

Join in! Sign up! Take a deep breath and play!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update Dec. 21

Sections Updated: Team News

Harry Potter soccer wrapped up today with a fantastic game full of action and teamwork! The Hufflepuffs were really huffing and puffing after their hard game! Way to go. Thank you very much to all our young players who signed up to play. And a huge thank you to our grade 5/6 helpers for being referees, timekeepers and coaches.

The next teams starting in January will be:

-Junior Ice Hockey

-Junior Boys' basketball (Mr. Hong)

-Intermediate Boys' basketball (Mr. Clement)

-Junior Girls' volleyball (Ms. Lamovsek, Ms. Fischer and Ms. Kortje)

-Intermediate Girls' volleyball (Ms. Lamovsek, Ms. Fischer and Ms. Kortje)

Ice Hockey Update

It is with a heavy heart that I announce there will be no grade 7/8 ice hockey team this year. No other schools signed up to play division 3, so there is no league for us. If you’d like to keep the hockey gear for the season and use it on your own, please do. I encourage everyone to get out to your local rinks or find new rinks and savour the winter.

On a personal note, I'd like to thank all of our families for their generosity and kindness this festive season. I'm truly overwhelmed. Thank you.

Have a safe and active holiday. See you in the new year!

Stay strong and stay smart, Ms. Samuel

update dec. 14

Now that the concerts are complete, we can resume Harry Potter soccer for our grade 1 and 2 students. We will play every day at lunch time. Don't forget to wear your team colours! See the intramural page for the team lists and schedule.

Let's play! Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update dec. 5

Harry Potter soccer starts tomorrow, Dec. 6!! Please see the intramurals tab for team lists and schedule.

update dec. 3

Sections updated: team news, intramurals, documents & forms.

Wow! Thanks for taking all of the free ice hockey equipment! I'm so glad that lots of kids will have a chance to be out on the ice this year! As of this morning, there was only 1 set of equipment left! Please remember to use the gear wisely and safely.

Our boys' volleyball team wrapped up their season last week. They played 4 great games-against Niagara, Dewson and Pauline. We are so happy to build a solid foundation for the years to come. Although we only won 1 set, we improved our skills immensely! A huge thanks must go to Ms. Lamovsek for teaching our boys the basics of volleyball and developing a love for the game.

Our girls' basketball teams continue to practice for their tournaments this week. We wish them good luck on Tuesday and Thursday!

We are getting ready for the new teams starting in January! Keep your eyes and ears open for girls volleyball, boys basketball and ice hockey news!

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update nov. 20

Sections updated: team news, intramurals, documents & forms.

Free ice hockey equipment!

We have been given a donation of a different style of ice hockey equipment. It's a one- piece system that I think would be best suited for younger players, approximately 8-12 years old. The system includes, shin pads, shoulder pads, elbow pads and jock (not a jill). A few kits include hockey pants. The kits do not include skates, neck guard, helmet, hockey socks, jersey or stick. The sets will be available on a first come first served basis outside the gym on Thursday, November 20 after school. Please understand that the school assumes no responsibility or liability with regards to use of the gear. Please enjoy the equipment safely and responsibly.

update nov. 9

Sections updated: Team News and Intramurals

Practice, practice, practice! This week was filled with practices of all sorts! The junior boys volleyball team started bumping, the junior girls basketball team started dribbling and the intermediate girls basketball team started shooting! We are looking working hard to sharpen our skills in anticipation of our upcoming tournaments and games!

Stay active and stay strong, Ms. Samuel

update nov. 2

Sections updated: Team News and Intramurals

What's up next at Brock? Junior boys volleyball will start on Monday after school. Practices will be Mondays and Tuesdays 3:30-4:30. This team is a development team and will play some exhibition games with schools in our neighbourhood. Stay tuned to this web site for more details as they become available. Ms. Lamovsek and Ms. Samuel will be coaching this energetic team.

Our intermediate girls will be starting basketball next week. They will practice on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:45-8:45. We will have a tournament in late November or early December. Location and exact date are not known yet. Mr. Clement and Ms. Samuel will be coaching this awesome team.

Our Fantastic 5-6 Floor Hockey is back in action this week. Check the intramurals tab for team lists and game days. Don't forget to wear your team colours!

Have a safe and active weekend, Ms. Samuel

update Oct. 26

Yesterday Emerson went to the city finals to represent Brock! She was amazing. She ran hard and persevered through a very tough race. We are so proud of her! Way to go Emerson.

Our intermediate girls' soccer team had some great practices this week in preparation for their tournament on Tuesday. We wish them good luck!

Our junior and intermediate girls' basketball teams will be starting soon. We will also start a junior boys' volleyball team. This team will be a learn to play team. We will have a few exhibition games with schools in our area and learn to play some volleyball! Stay tuned to this web site and the morning announcements (you'll need to be at school on time to hear them!) for more details.

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update Oct. 18

What a week of athletics! We started off with a rainy, cold day for our cross country runners. Our six brave souls hit the sand at Ashbridges Bay on Monday morning for the South Conference Finals and managed to shine, in spite of the weather. Congratulations on their great results:

Aimi 79, Quinn W 45, Emerson 9, Gage 73, Lillian 64, Jonathan 46

Emerson's amazing finish qualifies her for the City Finals on OCT. 25. Good luck Emerson!

Our junior girls' soccer team had a great day of skills and a mini tournament on Wednesday. They won all of their games and finished in first place! And, most importantly, I think they all learned a lot and had some fun!

Our Fantastic Grade 5-6 Floor Hockey league is up and running. More details are posted under the intramurals tab. Our next teams are getting ready to begin. Get set for junior boys volleyball, junior and intermediate girls basketball!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update oct. 12

What a busy few days we've had! Congratulations to our boys soccer teams. The junior boys played a great tournament on October 1. They played with courage and determination. Unofficially, they finished third in their pool. Well done boys! Our intermediate soccer team played an excellent tournament on Oct. 9. They finished the tournament 1-1-1. So, they also finish third in their pool. Neither team advance to the playoffs, but Ms. Morerio says they show great promise for the years to come. We are building a solid foundation for the future! Please note the changes in the girls tournament dates:

Junior girls' (gr. 4-6) OCT. 17, location TBD

Intermediate girls' (gr. 7/8) OCT. 26 @Parkdale Collegiate

On Monday, OCT. 15 our 6 awesome runners go back to Ashbridges Bay for the South Conference Final cross country meet. Please wish Aimi, Quinn W., Emerson, Gage, Lillian and Jonathan good luck! For grade 3's their season ends on Monday. For grades 4-8 they have a chance to advance to the city finals on OCT. 25 @Centennial Park. The top 20 individuals who are not part of the top 3 teams will advance. Good luck runners!!

Our grade 5-6 floor hockey intramurals will begin on Tuesday. We will play Tues and Thurs at lunch. Please sign up with some friends on the sheet outside of the gym.

Our athletics are tickin' along and our students are gettin' strong!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update oct. 4

Wow! We had an amazing day at Ashbridges Bay yesterday. The rain held off and the temperature was perfect for running. Our team of 68 runners was fantastic. Everyone soared to new personal bests, some even surprising themselves! Way to go!

Cross Country practices continue! The next practices (Tues, Thurs and Fri) are open to all runners who would like to maintain their fitness, have a workout and stay in shape. Meet in the gym at 7:45. We will need lots of teammates to help prepare our athletes for very challenging next round!

Our soccer teams are in full swing! We have three more tournaments to look forward to:

Intermediate boys (gr.7/8) OCT. 9

Intermediate girls' (gr. 7/8) OCT. 15 @Parkdale Collegiate

Junior girls' (gr. 4-6) OCT. 17 @Central Tech.

We are so proud of all our young athletes. They are doing a great job representing Brock! We've had lots of people compliment us on how polite, happy and kind our students have been! Keep up the awesome work. I feel like the luckiest teacher in the world.

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update Sept. 28

The excitement is building for our cross country meet on Oct. 3! New information is in the Team News section of the web site.

Our soccer players have been working really hard to prepare for their tournaments. More information is in the Team News section of the web site.

The athletics programs are in full stride and zooming along! Stay up to date, stay involved and stay strong!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

update sept. 20

Our cross country training is going very well! Our runners are getting stronger every week. We should be ready for race day on Oct. 3 @Ashbridges Bay. Lots of new information is posted in the Team News section of the web site.

Our soccer teams are practicing hard after school! Ms. Moreiro and Ms. Givelos are anxiously awaiting confirmation of the tournament dates. As soon as we know the dates, we will post them here.

Grade 5-6 students can look forward to lunchtime intramural's beginning next week. Stay tuned to the morning announcements for details!

We've had another great week of athletics at Brock. Let's keep up the great work!

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel

update sept. 13

Our cross country race date has been set for OCT. 3 @Ashbridges Bay. If you would like to see the course, there are a few opportunities available for you:

    1. A fellow PE teacher, Mr. Semes from Williamson Road, will be available at 4:30 pm on Monday September 17th and Monday September 24th for course tours. Students must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the tour. Please meet him at Pantry Park.

    2. I will be hosting an optional practice on Saturday, September 22, @Ashbridges Bay. We will practice sand starts and then run/walk the course together. If you can make it, please join me! We will meet at the Woodbine Bathing Station at 10:00. Students must be accompanied by an adult for the duration of the tour. If you can't make to one of the tours, please see the links to the course maps in the Team News section of the web site and try to check it out when you can.

New** Full Year Tryout and Participation form*

This year we have one form to cover tryouts for all sports teams (except Cross Country and Ice Hockey). If your child hasn't already taken one please find a copy in the Documents and Forms section.

Parents are welcome to run with us, or help with supervision during weekly cross country practices. It's a big help for the coaches, and it's great for your kids to see you being active, and running is fun!

Let's keep the momentum strong!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

welcome back!

Welcome back to the action packed world of Brock school!

This season of athletics is shaping up to be fantastic.

First up, we have Cross Country running for grades 1-8. Forms have been given out and practices have started! If you didn't get a form, or yours melted in the heat last week, just go to the Documents and Forms tab, print another one, read it, sign it and then give it to Ms. Samuel. More details are posted in the Team News Tab.

Soccer will be starting up in the next few weeks. Ms. Moreiro and Ms. Givelos have volunteered to coach all four teams again this year:

Junior. Girls (gr. 4-6) and Junior Boys (gr. 4-6)

Intermediate Girls (gr. 7-8) and Intermediate Boys (gr. 7-8).

Intramurals will be launching at lunch time in the next week or so!

Stay tuned to this web site for more updates and information. I will try to update the site once a week. I can't wait to watch our students join in, sign up and participate in all of our amazing teams and clubs.

Alright September, here we go!

Actively yours, Ms. Samuel

older posts from 2017-18

and that's a wrap!

What a great year we've had! We've offered our students so many amazing opportunities to participate. Our younger students had chances to participate in our lunch time intramurals and our Run, Jump Throw event. And our older students were offered the world!

Our teachers and coaches are the most dedicated around! Thanks to them, this year we offered 24 amazing teams!!:

  • Cross Country (Gr. 1-8)

  • Soccer (Jr. Boys, Jr. Girls, Int. Boys, Int. Girls)

  • Basketball (Jr. Boys, Jr. Girls, Int. Boys, Int. Girls)

  • Volleyball (Jr. Boys, Jr. Girls, Int. Boys, Int. Girls)

  • Ice Hockey (Jr. and Int. Co-Ed teams)

  • Co-Ed Volleyball (Gr. 8)

  • Slo-Pitch (Jr. Boys, Jr. Girls, Int. Boys, Int. Girls)

  • Ultimate Frisbee (Jr. Boys, Jr. Girls, Int. Boys, Int. Girls)

  • Track and Field (Gr 4-8)

Our athletics program is strong and only getting stronger, just like our students!

This summer, stay active and stay strong.

Actively Yours, Ms. Samuel

grade 2/3 run, jump, throw event-june 14 @ central tech.

We had an amazing day of fun at our second annual Run, Jump, Throw event at Central Tech. We paired with Niagara school and Shirley school to put on a "meet" style event that focused on fundamental movement skills needed for track and field. We had 12 station set up around the jumping pits, field and the track. We had pool noodle javelin, modified triple jump, sprints, mini-hurdles, running long jump, and many more. We had a great day of athletics and fun! A special thank you goes out the parents who volunteered and the grade 7 students who lead the stations! Way to go everyone!

If all goes well, and the opportunity presents itself again next year, we will hope to continue to offer this event for our grade 2/3 students again!

Actively yours,

Ms. Samuel