Learner 1a

1a Set professional learning goals to explore and apply pedagogical approaches made possible by technology and reflect on their effectiveness.

Every teacher must be a life-learner. The easiest way to improve my practice is to set yearly goals. Internet access makes it easy to ascertain your professional learning goals.


LEGO Education Master Educator and Advisor, 2018

Google Certified Educator Level I and II, 2015

Microsoft in Education Trainer, 2014

LEGO Education Ambassador Program (LEAP), 2013

Microsoft Innovate Educator Certification of Learning, 2011

Certified Google Trainer, 2010

Instructional Technology Specialist of the Year, 2010

Inspiring Young Engineers, 2004

Campus/District Teacher of the Year Tornillo ISD, 1992-1993

Burnet Elementary Campus Teacher of the Year, 1989-1990-

Masters of Education in computers in Education: Lesley University, 1993

Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education: Montana State University- Billings, 1984


Develops and provides ongoing professional development opportunities to TCEA members and non-members (face-to-face, webinars, online courses)

Leveraged technology to create professional development in STEM, Makerspaces, iPad, G Suite for Education, Robotics, Breakout EDU, and other technologies

Leads the robotics movement at TCEA: provides robotics training local and globally, arena problem set development, inventions rubric revision, tips and tricks arena and invention webinars, and arena/invention judging at local & state contests

Presents workshops at regional, state, and international conventions

Ability to incorporate and model the usage of technology

Proficient in LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3, NXT Robotics and WeDo 1.0 and 2.0 Robotics

Instructed Technology TEKS PreK-6

Facilitated six elementary campuses with tech integration

Instructed adult community education in technology

Developed and taught cross-functional group projects in robotics