Collaborator 4c

4c Use collaborative tools to expand students' authentic, real-world learning experiences by engaging virtually with experts, teams and students, locally and globally.

TCEA Makers Backstory

In February 2016, TCEA Executive Director asked the pd department, "Who would like to lead TCEA's commitment into makerspaces? I volunteered without hesitation. You see, I have always been a maker and I believe in our TCEA Maker Motto:

Makerspaces provide a place for students to explore questions, bounce ideas off one another, build something together, fail and try again all in a safe, creative environment.

A K-12 Makerspace is:

  • Hands-on and exploratory fun
  • Based on student interests
  • Hard
  • Filled with experimentation and possible failure
  • A change in the way we think and teach

I developed and choreographed the TCEA Makers Day 1 workshop.

Workshop Description: A hands-on learning experience in classrooms and libraries across the country, the maker movement is giving students and teachers the time, space, and resources they need to learn, imagine, and create. Whether hi-tech, low-tech, or some of both, you can offer engaging learning activities that develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. After a fun day of the hands-on TCEA Maker experience and a second day really diving deep into the realities of implementation, you’ll leave ready to create your own.

TCEA Makers Website

My Two Experts for Makerspaces

Michelle Cooper

White Oak Middle School

Media Specialist

Jeannine Freeman


Director of Digital Learning

4c artifact

One of the best parts of TCEA Makers Day 1 is to hear from a K-12 educator. These two educators have incorporated a makerspace into their library or campus. My go-to experts are Michelle Cooper or Jeannine Freeman which engage virtually to share their real world learning experiences and engage with the TCEA Makers attendees. Google Hangouts makes it easy to invite Michelle or Jeannine into our day of making.

Michelle or Jeannine have shared their knowledge on the following dates:

May 24, 2016

July 15, 2016

September 23, 2016

July 11, 2017

May 21, 2017

May 16, 2018

October 8, 2018