Lessons Learned

on Remote Learning

Facilitator(s): Peggy Reimers (@preimers) | Jennifer Bergland (@jbergland)

TCEA shares the best practices gleaned so far when it comes to remote teaching and learning.

Guest Speakers

Vanessa Kennedy

Fourth grade teacher

Fort Sam Houston Elementary School

Holli Horton

Middle school teacher

London ISD

The 5 TCEA Tech tips for Remote Learning

1. Don't introduce new content and new tech tools simultaneously.

2. Keep instructional videos on the short side (2-3 minutes ideally - no more than 8 minutes)

3. Connections before curriculum. Build in time for relationship building.

4. Stick with 3 purposeful technology tools (ex: Flipgrid, padlet, and platform's breakout rooms)

5. Campus/District uses same LMS platform and video communication system

REmote LEarning Videos from TCEA

Make sure you click and narrow your search.

Remote Learning link

TCEA TechNotes Blog

More Great Finds

Lubbock ISD has created a summer digital playground for their PreK-12 students. Excellent setup

Lubbock ISD

Self Care

Prepare your remote teaching space

stand up desk

hand lotion

lip balm

favorite knick-knacks

good chair


your favorite water bottle/coffee mug

Classroom Helpers