promoting technology use on the campus

Facilitator(s) : Diana Benner (@diben)

Miguel Guhlin (@mglearn)

Click on the link above or go to and enter #techuse

Session Description

Want to share successful campus technology endeavors? Discover ways to communicate and promote technology use on your campus in order to motivate teachers.

Showcase school success

Learn more about this approach in the TCEA TechNotes blog entry,

A framework


See: Tell the great things happening in your schools. Use pictures, video, and audio you capture via interviews, snapshots, and vidcasts with students and teachers.


See: Use the school hashtag when tweeting/Facebooking, and share that hashtag on all print publications, including t-shirts and baseball caps. Share the school hashtag at PTA meetings. Help people see the hashtag and understand they don’t need a Twitter account in order to follow it.


See: Encourage all campus staff, news organizations (in tandem with your district public relations team) to re-share tweets with the hashtag. Use Tweetdeck to quickly schedule tweets throughout the day featuring great content!

Hold "technology days" for parents

  • Invite parents to come to the campus to view technology projects students have created. Have a display of student tech projects.
  • Invite parents in for hands-on workshops to show them how technology is used in your school. Allow parents to learn a new skill or have their child assist them in creating a digital product.
  • This is a perfect time to address internet safety.
  • They can be streamed Live on YouTube.


Community Tech Night Speech by Andy

Create Virtual Parents Night

  • Invite students to submit a video capturing one project they are proud of (e.g. Flipgrid would be great for this)
  • Collect parent stories of success
  • Share resources with parent (e.g. Virtual Parents' Night)

hold contests regularly

  • Hold contests between classes or for teachers who regularly integrate technology.
  • Prizes could be something as small as a lottery ticket or work with the campus principals for a "jeans day" pass.
  • Ask local businesses for coupons.


create & send newsletters

  • Create a regular, professional looking publication.
  • Send it to teachers, staff, community members.
  • This is a great way to spread the word about the great things happening on your campus.


Resources to Create Newsletters:

write & Publish blogs

  • Write a blog post that promotes technology use.
  • Highlight what teachers and students are doing.


Resources for Blogging:

See more resources at Blog, 'Cast, Engage!

create & publish videos

reward those who come

  • Reward those teachers who come to training.
  • Give them a badge or a certificate.
  • Get a small door prize and have a drawing.
  • Door prizes could be anything from candy to a "free duty" pass.
  • Provide some snacks during the training.


Engage in #Hashtag Heroism

#OneSmallThing hashtag that encourages users to share one small step they are taking toward a larger goal.

Invite teachers and students to tackle small change in a big way.

Big impacts can come from making small changes, one at a time. These can add up to big changes.

Need to learn more? Read #hashtagheroism.

Need inspiration? Check out the

create posters or infographics

Making an infographic that captures ways students are creating and sharing works. You can make impactful infographics with various tools. Two tools include Venngage’s free creative infographic templates and/or (another free infographic maker). Or take advantage of some of these free infographics.

Digital Stories are multimedia movies that combine photographs, video, animation, sound, music, text, and often a narrative voice. Digital stories may be used as an expressive medium within the classroom to integrate subject matter with extant knowledge and skills from across the curriculum (Source).

Here’s one idea on capturing and sharing digital stories from people who were there. The poster is adapted from this source.

You can print these infographics or posters on walls, in teachers’ lounges. Don’t be afraid to brighten a restroom stall with a three-step tutorial on an ed tech topic of choice.

Check out this fun Facebook post from Joy Freeman Schwartz, TCEA Area Director. She writes (adapted for length):

Congratulations to Blanchette Elementary’s 3rd graders. They won the 2nd District STEM Challenge (design and Create Santa a new sleigh)! Thank you, Sebrina Dollar, for allowing them take part!! Great job and super sweet students!!