Grade 9 Registration

grade 9 registration checklist:

Please make sure you have all the necessary documents:

Early Start - Summer Transition Program (July 2024)

Meet new friends! Get to know Brebeuf teachers! Earn a credit in just 4 weeks! Make lasting memories!

Tentative Dates: July 3 to 26, 2024

To complete registration:

This program is only available to students who will be attending Gr. 9 at Brebeuf College beginning September 2024. 

This program offers students the opportunity to earn one full high school credit with introductory studies in English, Mathematics, Physical Education and other subjects, as well as becoming oriented with high school life. 

The purpose of this program is to make the transition to high school smoother by providing students with the opportunity to:

Camp Robin Hood - Gr. 9 Orientation (Sept 2024)

Battle for the Grade 9 Orientation House Cup while spending the day outside participating in activities, different sports and making memories. 

Date: Monday September 24, 2024

Cost: $50 (includes bus and lunch)

Where: Camp Robin Hood

Time: 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM

To complete registration: 

Brebeuf's Gr. 9 orientation experience to Camp Robin Hood will provide students with the opportunity to create relationships with our staff. 

It is an experience filled with sports and activities. 

Students will form friendships on the sense of brotherhood created in the summer transition program. 

This will be a highlight of the student's high school experience!

Phys. Ed uniform

All students scheduled in a Phys-Ed course must purchase a Brebeuf Physical & Health Education uniform. The total cost of one set is $40 (includes t-shirt and shorts). They are only available through Brebeuf College School (not McCarthy Uniforms) and must be purchased using the School Cash Online website before February 29, 2024.

You will have the opportunity to indicate the size and quantity for each item. The uniform will be given to the student by his Phys-Ed teacher when he begins class. 

Click here for an image of the Phys. Ed uniform. 

Please note: Items are in mens sizes

My school day app

Students are encouraged to download the My School Day app to stay informed of daily events happening at Brebeuf.

In addition, unlike a static print agenda, the My School Day app is a living, dynamic resource and information conduit for students that is always with them. With full support for rotating timetables and altered bell schedules for special event days, aggregation of information on school events, news posts, and updates through notifications, it provides the tools for students to be better informed and organized [About MySchoolDay]. For more info, please click here.


On a regular schedule, students are expected to be in class at 8:40 AM. They will be dismissed at 2:46 PM

Below is a breakdown of Brebeuf's schedules: Regular, Mass, Late Start, and Early Dismissal. Students will be notified when the school is on an altered schedule.

Brebeuf Schedules 2024 (1).docx

Uniform Policy 

Please click here to view the official Brebeuf College School Dress Code Policy

You can purchase uniforms through McCarthy Uniforms by clicking here