Special Education

The Learning Enrichment Centre is made up of the Special Education Department at Brebeuf College School. It is a program designed to accommodate the learning needs of students who are formally identified on their Individual Education Plan (IEP). Each IEP student is assigned to a Special Education teacher who monitors the student’s progress. Monitoring teachers and support staff work with students and their classroom teachers to ensure their strengths, needs, accommodations and modifications are met in order to be successful at Brebeuf.

Students will:

The monitoring teachers are:

Grade 10 & 12

Mr. Sabatini
Google Classroom:

Grade 9 &11

Mr. Wright
Google Classroom:

The Intensive Support Program

The Intensive Support Program (ISP) is a non-credit program which focuses on daily life skills such as functional literacy, functional numeracy, social-emotional learning, self-advocacy skills, and language and communication.

Students are involved in authentic experiential learning opportunities that include: