creating a strategy implementation plan

- Plan Phase -


Guiding Questions

Once you have selected a strategy for potential implementation, MICIP will prompt you to analyze the strategy using the Hexagon Tool. The Hexagon Tool helps answer two critical questions about a Strategy:

  • Is it the right thing to do (need, evidence, fit)?

  • Can we do it the right way (capacity, usability, supports)?


  • To complete the Hexagon Tool, identify where your district is in each of the six categories: evidence, fit, need, support, usability, capacity. To better understand each category, hover over each piece of the hexagon to see questions that help define that category. You will identify the district on a scale from 1 (poor) to 5 (great). You can choose your response on the pop-up document or on the main hexagon document. (To see a more specific meaning for each level of the scale (1-5) in each category, see the NIRN Hexagon Tool in the Resources at the end of this section.)

  • Once you have completed your ratings, consider the following: Where are your scores high? Where are your scores low? Do the low scores indicate the need to abandon the strategy, or are you able to address the deficits and move forward? If you cannot address the deficits, what other strategy might you consider?

  • Your goal may require one strategy or multiple strategies. You may have the same goal for your entire district but different strategies for different buildings, grade levels, or departments. If you need to consider a different strategy or need to add strategies to the same goal, return to the Strategy Bank and repeat the process above.


NIRN Hexagon Tool

NIRN Resource - Who Should Participate in the Hexagon Tool Discussion

MDE MTSS Essential Component: Tiered Delivery System

District Initiative and Innovation Review Process, District Initiative Alignment Process