create a challenge statement

- Assess Needs -



  • Define the results of your Root Cause Analysis in one sentence. This challenge statement describes the need or opportunity that the continuous improvement plan will address. You might consider using an If…, then… statement such as, “If early on we establish a shared equitable mindset and a coordinated systemic process to guide students toward any higher level learning opportunity, then student enrollment in Advanced Placement, CTE, or Dual-enrollment courses will increase and post-secondary programs will reflect the district demographic make-up.” The hypothesis is the first, or “if,” part of a conditional statement. The conclusion is the second, or “then,” part of a conditional statement. The conclusion is the result of a hypothesis. If <hypothesis>, then <conclusion or result of hypothesis>. If your analysis led you to several root causes, your statement could be a complex sentence identifying several challenges, but you can only write one goal for a challenge statement.

  • Save and close, or move on to develop your Measurable Goal


Example MTSS Challenge Statements - MIMTSS TA Center Resource