Week of

6/1/20 - 6/4/20

Happy End of the year! This week I am not providing new instruction; however, I have fun activities planned each school day for your child to participate in. The last day of the website is June 4th. Please plan to check out the website each day this week to see the fun activities planned to finish out the school year!

The site will look different this week. Each day this week I have some fun activities planned to finish out the school year! I also posted some review activities if you want. If your child chooses to do the review activities I recommend just spending a few minutes on each activity. Scroll down farther for the review activities.


  • Fun Zoom call with class: Wear TR colors (blue and orange) and a fun hat! We will also celebrate summer birthdays. Information regarding the Zoom call was sent in an email.

  • Make an Ice Cream Sensory Bin with items you have at home.

- Use Pom-Poms, Cotton Balls or Play-Doh to represent ice cream -Plastic bowls/spoons - Ice Cream Scoop or Large Spoon - Use shredded paper or sequins to represent sprinkles


  • Paint an Ice Cream Cone (see below). If you don't have paint- draw.

Paint an Ice Cream Cone

From Art for Kids Hub


Take a Virtual Field Trip!


  • LAST Zoom call of the school year with class: Dress up in a costume! We will also celebrate the end of the school year! Information regarding the Zoom call was sent in an email.

  • Father's Day Art Project (choose an idea below).

Idea 1: Father's Day Handprint Art

  1. Hand print in the middle of the page.
  2. Have your kiddo write, copy or trace his/her name and date at the bottom of the page. Do whatever works best for your child.
  3. Write Happy Father's Day (or whatever message your child wants) at the top of the page. Parents can write the message or your kiddo can write, copy or trace the message- do whatever works best for your child!

Idea 2: Father's Day Fingerprint Art

  1. Paint fingerprints on the paper and let dry. Then, have your kiddo decorate the fingerprints however he/she wants (ex: animals, people, flowers, trucks, etc.). My son Frankie decorated his fingerprints like him and his dad on a book mark.
  2. Write Happy Father's Day (or whatever message your child wants) at the top of the page. Parents can write the message or your kiddo can write, copy or trace the message- do whatever works best for your child!


Virtual Field Day!

2020 Virtual Field Day.mp4

Please click on the video and enjoy a Virtual Field Day brought to you by some of the TR teachers.



  • Practice writing your first name in shaving cream.

  • Draw with chalk on the sidewalk or driveway (play tic-tac-toe or hopscotch, draw a picture, etc.)

Circle Time

  • Calendar: Look at a June calendar and discuss it with your kiddo (I've linked one below). Some things you can talk about are: the date, day(s) of the week and count up to the # that corresponds with the date.


  • Weather: Have your kiddo look out the window and discuss with him/her what type of weather is happening.

Celebrate a Great School Year

Jack Hartman


  • Below are links to a few of my favorite stories. What was your favorite story this school year?

  • Go on a scavenger hunt for items in your house with letters from the alphabet.

How would you feel if your shoes got dirty?

Goldilocks and the 3 dinosaurs.mov

Read by TJ Higuera

This story is about generosity. How does it make you feel to share?

Count the fish during the story.

What Letter Is It?

Jack Hartman

Try to guess the letter and make the letter sound!

Each week during the school year, we learned a different letter. Review the letters and sounds and sing along!

Alphabet Song with HFT


  • Play a board game with your family. This is a great way to practice so many things such as counting or taking turns!

  • Bake a yummy treat as a family. This is also a great way to practice counting, measuring ingredients and taking turns stirring!

  • Go on a Shape hunt in your home, neighborhood, etc..

  • Go on a scavenger hunt for colors in your home, neighborhood, etc..

Online Math Games:


Count to 10

with Jack Hartman
  • Practice counting 1-10 in a silly voice! We did this often at circle time this year.

Art & Sensory Ideas

  • Make Play-Dough or create something with Play-Dough you have at home.

  • Play with shaving cream (write your name, letters, numbers , shapes or draw anything you want!

  • Paint with Q-Tips or kitchen utensils.

Brain Break/Movement/Music

  • Try to get outside with your family- go on a walk, hike, scooter ride, bike ride, or play!

  • Play with bubbles outside!